Memories: The Last Baltimore Games Day

By Rob Baer | June 6th, 2012 | Categories: Games Day 2010, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

It’s been almost two years since Games Day left The Baltimore Convention Center.

Most of us started the hobby with a trip to this event, and for me, it hasn’t been the same since Games Day left.

I’m sure the event in Chicago is just as / if not better than the last one in Baltimore, however I can’t image the attendance is the same. There is just more of us packed into the East Coast, than the Mid-West.

Regardless, I should be attending the Chicago event this year, and hope to cover it in depth. I’m sure it will ROCK!

I did just dig up my old video coverage of the event, and made a playlist of over 20 individual videos cataloging the event for history. You can find them, here.

Below is the most famous of the videos, Forge World’s unvieling of the Badab War! -Enjoy MBG