Micro Art Studio Adds a Ton of Base Sizes to Their Range!

Micro Art Studio Base Range featureMicro Art Studio has just made a huge base range update to include a lot of the bigger sizes for some of their coolest bases!

The hobby maniacs at Micro Art Studio always come out with great hobby supplies. Recently, they have been revamping their lines to base all sizes of minis with new styles. A little while ago, we looked at the Arcane bases; check them out here. This time around, though, it’s all about Chaos! 

If you’ve been looking for bigger bases for your forces, then the new stuff from MAS will be right up your alley. They already had these ranges for the smaller minis, so this is especially nice if you’ve already used the smaller sizes; you can get your entire army matching! Let’s take a closer look.

New Base Range Update From Micro Art Studio!

Micro Art Studio Base Range Micro Art Studio Base Range 2Four ranges are getting updated, and each is getting at least four new base sizes! So, if you’ve been waiting to get your bigger models based on some excellent resin bases, this is the way to go!

We’ll take a look at some of our favorites, but know they have way more than this!

Chaos Waste Bases Round 100mm: €11,95

Micro Art Studio Base Range 3If you love the forces of chaos, you might as well have them walking on the waste of a chaos world! Here are the specs on this one:

  • One high-quality resin 100mm round base of the Chaos Waste pattern.
  • Supplied unpainted.
  • Manufactured by Micro Art Studio

Possessed Bases Oval 105x70mm: €11,95

Micro Art Studio Base Range 4These bases are perfect for Slaanesh or any crazy chaos forces out there! They generally paint theirs purple, but hey, you can go any way you want. Here are the specs on this one:

  • One high-quality resin oval 105x70mm base of the Possessed pattern.
  • Supplied unpainted.
  • Manufactured by Micro Art Studio.

If you love what Micro Art Studio is up to, check out what else they have to offer.

Click Here to Get Your New Bases!