Cool Hobby Hacks You Can Do With TableWar’s Cases

By Guest Author | July 25th, 2017 | Categories: Product Review, Tablewar, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

tablewar case upside down magnets

Checkout all the neat ways you can customize your TableWar case to make it just for your army.

Welcome back Hobby Maniacs!  Today Rob is showing us his amazing customizable army display case from the masterminds over at TableWar!

These awesome miniatures cases from TableWar are super customizable and fantastic for carrying all sorts of Large monsters!

Robs FaceEach tray can be customized with a magnetic layer and slots for each base.  If you want to really go all-in, you can paint and texture the trays to match your armies bases!

Base Slots


Make sure you secure each base to the tray using a heavy magnet so your miniatures don’t flop around and get damaged!


As you can see this thing carries a ton of large models very securely.  Alternatively, if you’re only transporting marine sized figures you could conceivably carry an entire company worth of marines!

Done Case

Press play on the video below for our whole hobby hacks tutorial and review on the MK III tablewar case.

You can purchase these awesome cases from the TableWar website!