MISSING! Sly Marbo & Over 50 units Axed From 8th?

By Gothmog | June 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Sly Marbo Art

8th Edition rules are here for most hobbyists, but there looks to be quite a few units that didn’t make it to the new rules set. Come see our list!

8th Edition has leaked. I am not going to tell you where to find it or how to get it, but I myself have seen it all. And I noticed something- Despite GW’s assurances, not everything made it into 8th edition (at least for a day one release).

Now some of these are understandable or forgivable. Most of these units happen to be “Character” variants. Sure it was nice to have a little unique character, but they can still be played as their generic version. Less understandable are the Characters with MODELS that aren’t in the game, like the DW Ortan Cassius and Canoness Veridyan, but at least you can use these as non-character units as well.

Other things are even worse- Various custom super heavies that you may have built that are just nothing now. There is also one whole codex entry missing (Vendetta Gunships).

Here is the total list. There are 54 (or 55 if you count the Revenant twice for Eldar and Dark Eldar) units that didn’t make it into the game. In the list I have included the unit, their faction, their current rules source, and a brief summary of their actual usability in 8th ed (like if there is a generic, non character version of them or not).

  • Canoness Veridyan- SoB, rules included with model- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Death Company Chaplain- BA, Angel’s Blade- Model playable as a generic version of a DIFFERENT unit (generic Chaplain)
  • Cassor the Damned- BA, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Rafen’s Death Company- BA, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Captain Karlean- BA, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit (and was kinda already invalidated by Angel’s Blade)
  • Squad Alphaeus- BA, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Fortress of Arrogance- IG, Apocalypse- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Traitor’s Bane- IG , Apocalypse Warzone Pandorax- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Vendetta- IG, Codex- NON EXISTENT
  • The Children of Cryptus- Nids, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Phodian Hive Warriors- Nids, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Beast of Phodia- Nids, Shield of Baal Death Storm- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Death’s Companion’s- Harlequins, Death Masque- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Company of the Threefold Stranger- Harlequins, Death Masque- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Inriam’s Spectre- Harlequins, Death Masque- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Blades of Fate- Harlequins, Death Masque- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Serpent’s Breath- Harlequins, Death Masque- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Squad Crull- DW, Death Masque- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Squad Galatael- DW, Death Masque- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Venerable Dreadnough Nihilus- DW, Death Masque- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Ortan Cassius- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Jensus Natorian- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Squad Donatus- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Edryc Setorax- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Antor Delassio- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Garran Branatar- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Jetek Suberei- DW, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Patriarch Gossar- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Mags Orthan Trysst- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • Primus Vorgan Trysst- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Favoured Disciples- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Faithful Throng- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Purestrain Princelings- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Brother’s Abberant- GSC, Overkill- Special made model, still playable as a generic version of unit
  • The Fierce Eye’s Wolf Guard- SW, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Hengist Ironaxe’s Grey Hunters- SW, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Egil Redfist’s Blood Claws- SW, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Grukk Face-Rippa- Orks, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Skrak’s Skull Nobz- Orks, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Rustgob’s Runts- Orks, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Krumpa’s Killa Kanz- Orks, Sanctus Reach Stormclaw- Models playable as a generic version of unit
  • Skullhamma Battle Fortress- Orks, Apocalypse- NON EXISTENT
  • Looted Wagon- Orks, White Dwarf PDF– NON EXISTENT
  • Obsidian Knight- Imperial Knights,, Apocalypse Warzone Damocles- Model playable as a generic version of unit
  • Plague Reaper of Nurgle- CSM , Apocalypse Warzone Pandorax- NON EXISTENT
  • Tower of Skulls- CSM , Apocalypse Warzone Pandorax- NON EXISTENT

Now there are a few things that GW has the rules for that will likely be in Imperial Armour in the future instead. So I expect to see these rules when the FW rules drop, but as of right now in 7th the most current rules are GW rules, not FW, and they are not in 8th as is.

  • Big Mek Stompa- Orks, Apocalypse
  • Gargantuan Squiggoth- Orks, Apocalypse
  • Tiger Shark- Tau, Escalation
  • Reaver Titan- Apocalypse
  • Warhound Titan- Apocalypse
  • Phantom Titan- Apocalypse
  • Revenant Titan- Eldar and Dark Eldar, Escalation

What I find strangest is the random special characters from supplements that made it while others didn’t. Why did Ortan Cassius get cut while Watch Captain Artemis made it?  Why was the Imperial Space Marine included, but not Canoness Veridyan?

Also, why are Vendettas gone? Maybe they are moving to Imperial Armour since FW sells the conversion kit)?

So did I miss anything? I mean, if the design studio could, I can be forgiven that right? Let us know in the comments if we did or how you feel about some of the units from list above now being gone.

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