Mix & Match Dice At Warhammer World

Warhammer World now has an exclusive dice Pick ‘n Mix feature for visitors. Let’s be honest, can you ever have too many dice?

Games Workshop dice can be seen all over, but usually you’re limited to one design per box, and if you want others you’re spending even more. Well that’s not the case anymore for Warhammer World visitors! Let’s see what Games Workshop had to say about their new exclusive dice Pick ‘n Mix feature.

Dice – you praise them, you curse them, you select your ‘lucky’ ones for certain rolls, and you put others back in the lonely darkness of the bag, to think about what they just did…

Warhammer World is now home to an exclusive dice Pick ‘n Mix, with some unique designs, and others you may recognise.  £1 each, you can add a little flavor and colour to your dice collection, or for £15 pick 20 dice and get a dice pot to hold them as well.

warhammer world retail dice

Popular designs will stay around, and other designs will come and go, so each time you visit it’s worth a look in case your favourites are now available. If you have a die you’d love to see made, let Warhammer World staff know, and the most requested may be added to the range in the future, because that’s just how we roll!

It looks like you can leave with some extra dice on your next Warhammer World visit. The hardest question is going to be which dice do you choose? There has been a lot of different styles of dice over the years, with logos of all our favorite factions, and now it looks like we’ll be getting access to some that we haven’t seen in a while with some unique ones we have never seen. Make sure you stop on in during your next visit to England and check out there new exclusive dice Pick ‘n Mix feature.

Are you planning a trip to Warhammer World soon? What dice are you looking forward to the most? What dice do you want to see in production?

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