Monoliths in the Desert are How We Get Necrons…

This is how we get necrons Feature rDo you want the metal overlords so early in our scientific evolution? Well, Monoliths are a good start to how we get Necrons!

Look, while many people are saying these two monoliths are just artist installations, we know the truth. The metallic overlords are coming and this is just their way of prepping us for the inevitable. The first one a couple of weeks ago raised some eyebrows, but now with another one popping up, there is obviously only one thing that could be true. Necrons. They will spill forth soon enough and that will just be that!

If you’ve never been to the red deserts of Utah, let us tell you, they are the perfect staging point! The first one has since mysteriously disappeared, but with phase shift tech, that’s just child’s play. The second one in Romania looks to be of slightly shoddier construction, but they probably just had a novice Cron working on that one or were lulling us into a false sense of security. Let’s look at the cold hard facts supporting this obviously true and exact prediction from us.

Monoliths in the Desert are How We Get Necrons

Monolith in desertProvided by Newsflash

If you’ve been hiding under a rock, but only come out to look at tabletop gaming news, here’s the background. A helicopter spotted a 10-12 foot high monolith resting deep in the secluded deserts of Utah. People were extremely baffled by how it got there and who put it there. Let’s address both of those right now. Necrons. Okay, so since that’s a water-tight argument, let’s move on. Then, one day it simply vanished. Again, this all points to one thing and one thing only, Necrons. They have the tech for interdimensional travel and can move giant objects freely. While this wasn’t giant, it was obviously just a test. Did we pass or fail? With it disappearing, it could honestly mean either. Now let’s look at the second Monolith and how it shows we are just asking for the metal boys to come claim earth.

A Second Monolith Appears!

Necron monolithProvided by Newsflash

Look, we’re not going to lie to you. This one has been buffed out using techniques the Crons would look down on. They like things a little smoother, and the weld marks are a dead giveaway. But, this could be exactly what they are looking for. Local support! This is just inviting them to the planet, and unless you want full world destruction, this is not an advised move.

The second Monolith was placed just far enough around the world to facilitate full global control, so maybe they just gave the second monolith in Romania the look of something human to throw us off their scent. But we here at Spikey Bits are on to you Necrons. Don’t think you can fool us with such easy deception. We’ll be ready to ready to tell you we told you so when this all comes to pass, but it won’t matter much then…

What do you think about the obvious truth? Are you ready for the Necrons to make planetfall?

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