Monster Scenery’s New Kickstarter: Ice Wilds!

Moster Scenery Full Table rMonster Scenery’s new Kickstarter is almost funded with 20 days to go! Let’s all jump into the Ice Wilds and hit some stretch goals!

Moster Scenery always has some of the coolest terrain on the market! This time around it’s all about the ice and snow. We’ve been loving arctic themes lately so why not get some terrain to go with it? With the Kickstarter almost funded as well, that means even more stuff on the way for all of us!

If you’ve been looking for some new icy terrain, this set is definitely worth a look! You can pledge for certain amounts of terrain or just pick up particular sets if you want. Let’s stop talking about it and check it out!

Pledge Levels:

Pledge Level 1The first pledge level, You still get a decent amount of stuff and full access to all the free stretch goals! Can’t go wrong with that. Let’s hear what they have to say about pledging:

There are pledge levels between one and thirty sets, so whether you’re playing small skirmish games or hosting tournaments you can choose the pledge level that’s right for you. The higher your pledge level, the less expensive each set will be. Additional sets are the same price per set as your pledge level.

Pledge Level 2Get any three pieces you want! Quite the upgrade from the previous level at a single piece.

Pledge Level 3The third pledge lever grants you access to any five of the scenery sets of your choice! If you love what Monster Scenery is up to, check out their other stuff here!

Pledge Level 4Eight pieces of terrain? Sounds good to us! Plus you also get access to all the corresponding stretch goals!

Pledge Level 5Might as well get a bunch of stuff while you’re at it! Perfect for mixing and matching a whole bunch of pieces for a full table.

Pledge Level 6The biggest pledge level! Basically just get as much terrain as you could need. If you run a league or a store this is a great option to get tons of stuff in one buy.

Individual Sets:

Pine forest SetThe new pine trees look good right on the tabletop and you can vary their height by placing them on one of the trunks.  Plus the trees can be stacked on top of each other to make even taller trees!

Ice roadsWinding through the frozen landscape, the rivers and roads are key to traveling quickly.  Each river/road segment is double-sided, with a wintery road on one side and an icy river on the other side.   Combined, they’re over 48 inches long!

Glacial HillThe glacial icefield set is available in the same three styles as the Ice Hills: Snowy, Frosted Ice, and Glacial Ice.  Each set gives you two areas of frozen ice chunks intermixed with wintry bushes.

The set includes two double-sided neoprene templates featuring snowy, rocky ground on one side and a water feature on the reverse.

Winter Tree FallThe Winterfall forest set combines bare, standing tree trunks with fallen, broken tree trunks and stumps.  These make terrific areas of difficult ground and provide cover from incoming fire.

The set includes two double-sided neoprene templates featuring snowy, rocky ground on one side and a water feature on the reverse.   

Hills Scenery

Backers familiar with our first scenery Kickstarter will recognize the shapes: as the popular rocky hills from that campaign. That means these combine perfectly with the hills you already have. These winter hills look great combined with the gray rock hills to make frozen, rocky terrain.

A Full Table:

Moster Scenery Full TableWhen fully assembled together, it all looks amazing!

This is just the tip of the iceberg (so funny we know)! We can only wait to see some of the stretch goals and more pieces. Go check out the Kickstarter to see everything it has to offer!

Go Pledge to the Kickstarter Here!