More 40k Forge World Hits Last Chance to Buy (with a catch)

last chance forge world to buyForge World is rotating more Warhammer 40k products out of stock, putting them on the last chance to buy list, but there is another catch…

This is the fifth or so week with more models hitting the last chance to buy list, meaning you don’t have much time left to get these. For Forge World, we’ve pretty much just seen Space Marines from Horus Heresy going out of stock as they are getting rotated to plastic.

For these Tyranids going on Last Chance To Buy, we don’t expect them to get such treatment. Some of these Death Korps of Krieg miniatures may have a chance of going to plastic, so at least there’s that. 

Let’s get into what’s on the last chance to buy list from Forge World now!

Forge World Tyranids & DKoK Hit Last Chance to Buy

Tyanrids Forge worldFirst up is the Stone-Crusher Carnifex with either the wrecking ball or the wrecker claws.

Then, the Sky Slasher Swarm is also getting the ax.

forge World Tyranids

As we said, we’re not sure any of the bug stuff is coming back again. Next up are the heavy weapons for DKoK. this could actually mean we will get them in plastic soon, or at least at some point. So let’s keep our fingers crossed for that!

These kits are now on the Forge World Last Chance to Buy List:

  • Stone-Crusher Carnifex with Wrecking Ball
  • Stone-Crusher Carnifex with wrecking Claws
  • Sky slasher Swarm Brood
  • Mieotic Spore Sacks
  • Twin-Linked Devourers
  • Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Stubber and Meltagun
  • Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Flamer

Oh, and keep in mind this also appears to be a Made to Order offering that fulfills in 180 days as well. See, we told you there was a catch!

mto last chance to buy always a catch.

For now, though, you can grab all these great kits here on Forge World’s site!

Are you sad to see any of these Tyranids or Death Korps of Krieg Forge World models going on last chance to buy? 

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