More Iron Hands Stratagems, Traits & Psychic Powers SPOTTED

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You ain’t seen nothing yet. Check out more new rules from the Iron Hands supplement that are really making these guys tough as nails in Warhammer 40k.

Spotted on Friday’s Warhammer TV Twitch Stream, the Iron Hands are getting even cooler tricks of the trade than we anticipated. Here’s a deeper look into what we’ll be seeing in the codex.

More Iron Hands Stratagems, Traits & Psychic Powers SPOTTED

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Reforge Psychic Power

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Feirros will be able to auto-heal 3 wounds on a vehicle. But if you’re bringing a Librarian, you’re getting a power called Reforge to help you heal D3 more wounds! That’s 3+D3 wounds back on a single model a turn.

Iron Hands Stratagems Revealed

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To help screen characters with all of the snipers running around in the meta, Iron Hands will get a 2+ Look out, Sir!/ Savior protocols Stratagem. The only stipulation is that it can only be used in the shooting phase and you have to have another unit within 3″.

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With one of the coolest Stratagems we’ve ever seen, Iron Hands will be able to turn a Dreadnought into a Character. By doing this, it makes them eligible for relics and also gets a bonus attack and Ld.

The Gorgon’s Chain is Back

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Combo it with the Gorgon’s Chain relic. You’ll be able to give something like a character Las Cannon Contemptor a 4++ invuln and force your opponents to subtract 1 from wound rolls. (That means enemy las cannons would be wounding it on a 4+).

Iron Hands Relic & Warlord Trait

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Looking into one of the relics, they’re getting a haywire bolter that works just like the Aeldari Haywire missiles. If one Chapter was going to get a relic that preyed on machines, it would be these guys!

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And finally, let’s check out this Iron Hands Warlord Trait. You can pick a unit nearby each turn and reroll a single hit, wound, and damage roll. It’s a bit like the Salamanders Chapter Tactic from the start of 8th.

New Space Marines Prices & Lineup CONFIRMED!

raven-guard-new-releases-space-marines-iron-handsNew Iron Hands, Raven Guard, and Primaris models and supplements are on the way for next week. Check out the lineup and pricing latest. Read More

What are your thoughts on Iron Hands after these previews? Did they just get even stronger? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!