More New Forge World PICS From Amsterdam Open

By Rob Baer | September 6th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see even more information and pics from the Amsterdam’s Forge World Open!

Via Lord Thørn on B&C

Anyway, I’ve got a few things to add to this list :
Doom of Mymeara 2nd edition should be out soonish (in the next couple of months), with an updated and expanded corsair list (new units, but no or few new models planned)
There was also quite a bit of very sweet concept art for Thousand Sons (depthcharge should be happy because tuning forks featured prominently) , some hairy heads (read possible White Scars and Space Wolves), iconography/transfers for the Legions of Istvaan III, and Invictarius Suzerain stuff. Since the Invictarius are already out and they didn’t look exactly like the ones in the sketchbooks, don’t read too much in to this. (One of the World Eaters symbols really made me go wow, a kind of a profile hound skull bighting a world, which isn’t on the transfer sheet that already exists.
I think AO108 took a snapshot of it).As already mentioned, lots of amusing and eerie concept art for Dark Mechanicum, I think we’re in for a treat with those ! Also, the sketches I saw still seemed relatively close to the loyalist counterparts, so there should hopefully be conversion opportunities.
Some talk about a possible online update of IA2, since Space Marines codex came out later
[irony]No-one new anything about any possible plastic heresy, and there is nothing to suggest that it will be out next games day…[/irony] Read that this is pretty much sure.tongue.png None of the designers seemed concerned about Games Workshop taking over, and seemed to feel that it should complement Forge World’s stuff, as a launching ground.I may have been too direct when I asked, but they didn’t seem to be aware of any possible Chaos releases, they seemed to think it was “made up”. As I said, I may have been to direct, so don’t jump to conclusions.
Unsourced Via Facebook
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Some info from Arac (

Book VI (talk with Andy Hoare)
*White Scars, Dark Angels and Blood Angels are in with rules
*Shattered Legions rules for all Legions (Traitors: Horus send some small groups to hunt the Isstvan survivors)
*There will be more Solar Auxilla, but it was Edgar’s project so now Israel is in the process to take over (so new releases aren’t imminent)Talk with Simon Egan
*there will be plastic Heresy from GW, but they’ll continue*Marc Bedford designs some 30k Skitarii upgrades but he must wait for the OK from the management (there’s none at the moment) to publish them.


So overall looks like Book VI of the Horus Heresy will probably arrive in November like the last 3 previous years, then it looks to be on to Prospero from what we’re hearing.

Checkout the link below for more pictures of the Event!

FW Amsterdam Roundup


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