Sisters, Dwarves, Elves Coming Our Way in 2017! – RUMORS

By James Rodriguez | February 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sisters of battle color study by skinpeelIt looks like the Sisters of Battle are in line for new models, as well as the Dwarves, and possibly Elves. Come take a look at the latest rumor.

Now don’t take these to the bank just yet, they are just rumors as of now. The following was just spotted over on am Eastern European site VK, so make sure to ad much salt!


Source: Commandаrt (translated from Russian?)
-Also for you 40k players, namely those interested in sisters. They are coming. After seeing how much the recent hero set sold they are working on them now. It may take about a year but it’s in progress. 
Hope I have peaked some interest and brought some hope to you all. Sadly I didn’t get much info about Death and Destruction but I am hoping Death will get a long awaited release, and some goblins will soon be a thing.

-The rumored dwarves should be released at the end of March. 

-Elves will be getting some releases in the summer

-Some elves will be joining slaneesh as a cult. warhammer fantasy warhammer40000

What do you think should be Games Workshop’s focus on new armies?

With how successful the Sisters were, was it to be expected they would focus a little more attention on new models for them? We’d like to hear what you have to say, leave it in the comments below.

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