MORE SPOILERS – New Cult Mechanicus Unit

By Rob Baer | April 26th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


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Another Cult Mechanicus Unit has been revealed, and it sounds like a winner – come check it out!

via Captain Citadel on 4-26-2015

The name of the new tracked infantry models that will be releasing are Kataphron Destroyers.

They are the lighter armoured tracked infantry variants that features two types of cannon; a version of the familiar plasma cannon and a newer larger tech-based calibre weapon of mysterious providence.

The models themselves feature a mechanical upper body hardwired both into the track assembly and weapon arms, but can swivel at the hip whilst their power feeds are contained into rear back mounted power sources.

Each miniature has the main weapon attached to their right arms which are cropped at the shoulder, and their left arms contain a smaller hand held flamer type weapon.

Their heads are rife with targeting reticules and there is no organic components visible on these versions of the models.

They are heavy support choices for Cult Mechanicus.

Full Mechanicus Roundup

OK, so putting it all together, so far we have:

Cult Mechanicus

– Fulgurite Electro Priests (CC unit)

– Corpuscarii Electro Priests (Shooty unit, combo box with the fulgurites)

– Magos Dominus

– Kataphron Destroyers

– 2nd Tracked Unit similar to Kataphron Destroyers, but assault oriented.

If i was a betting man, I’d put money on these coming out in two weeks.

~Brace yourselves, the Martians are coming!