More Stormcast On The Way? New Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineA new rumor engine dropped like clockwork and it’s time to debunk what we’re looking at. Just for the record, it looks like classic Stormcast design.

Warhammer Community dropped a bit that looks suspiciously like some more Stormcast on the way. Specifically, a weapon. We know for about every two Stormcast kits that are made, GW will put some love into another faction and it’s been a hot minute since we’ve seen anything new for the lightning boys. This could be the next thing to come down the pike for the faction.

More Stormcast On The Way? New Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 4-14-20A new rumor engine is here and it looks something like the artistic rendition of the Everblaze comet endless spell attached to the crest o a Stormcast helmet. Of course, we know we’re also looking at some kind of staff/mace from the handle sticking out at the bottom left.

everblaze comet


stormcast eternal crestSee what we mean? Now to think about what unit this could possibly be… We’ve already got Wizards from the Sarcosanct chamber. As well as dudes with big maces.

So the only thing left out would maybe be some kind of new Stormcast Priest maybe? We’re taking a shot in the dark here so be sure to give us your opinion on what kind of unit you think this will be going to.

After looking at the bit, do you think the Stormcast are going to be getting something new in the days ahead? What’s one area that the Stormcast are lacking in unit-wise? 

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