More Top 40k Unbeatable Army Lists: DaBoyz 40k GT

hor of space marine and chaos

More unbeatable 40k Army lists are here from the DaBoyz GT that was held over the weekend. Come see the latest lists that didn’t include Eldar and Knights!

DaBoyz GT is another big tournament that had some unique lists place at the top. Looks like the Fall FAQ made players reinvent themselves in the North East!

We’ll be taking a closer look at the top three lists and breaking them down so you can try your hand at it! See where the meta is going in 40k after the FAQ. It looks like multiple armies are doing just as good as anyone else. Maybe we’re getting closer to the point where people can play whatever army they want and still expect to do well.

Coming from our friends at DaBoyz GT we have the top lists from their event:

1st Place Genestealer Cult- Nick Rose ETC Champion 2018 Team USA

Genestealer Cult 40k Unbeatable Army Lists


GSC nick rose 1

gsc nick rose 2

Starting off with the list, Nick took a cheap Battalion detachment of Tyranids with two out of the three Troops being Ripper Swarms. He brought three Neurothropes for the psychic presence as well as the tankiness that comes with a 3+ invulnerable save. He finished the detachment off with a nice chunk of Genestealers to do a little bit of legwork at getting into the enemy’s face.

Necromunda Genestealer Cults Is 2018 Really the Year of the Xenos For 40k?

Another Battalion detachment of Genestealer Cult was taken, again, bringing cheap troops with Neophytes. A large chunk of his points went into eleven total Aberrants. Then lastly, he brought a Supreme command detachment with two primuses and two Abominants. These Abominants are incredible force-multipliers to Aberrants. They can hack down a Knight pretty easily if they get close enough.

While Aberrants did most of the heavy lifting, Neophytes were rolling around in Chimeras grabbing objectives. Well played Nick!

2nd Place Chaos Daemons- William Kim Perennial Daemon Player

bloodletter hor wal khorne

Daemons william kim

chaos william kim

Starting off with this list, it’s a heaping scoop of Daemon soup. A Tzeentch Changecaster and a Khorne Daemon Prince took the HQ slots in a Battalion detachment with Bloodletters, Horrors, and Nurglings. This was the “screen/alpha strike” detachment with thirty Bloodletters and Horrors each. He could deepstrike the Bloodletters 9″ away and effectively mulch whatever he needed to with -3 AP swords.


Speaking of mulching…He took another Battalion detachment with Ahriman and sixty total Tzaangors. Again, shenanigans ensue when the first wave of Bloodletters tie up units long enough for SIXTY Tzaangors to get stuck in.

To top everything off, the player brought a cheap Battalion of Renegades mainly for backfield-objective sitting and a bonus +5 CP.

3rd Place TJ Lanigan Top 16 Finalist Adepticon 2018


tj daemons

tj daemons 2

Rounding everything off with third place, this player brought Daemons, Daemons, and Daemons! The Battalion TJ took was centered around the Nurgle Plaguebearers getting exploding hits/wounds. There’s a combo with all three characters he chose to help the Plaguebearers wounds of a 6+ explode doing multiple damage. It’s a nasty combo but somewhat fragile as the characters can get picked off by Snipers.

Tj then took a Supreme Command detachment with Ahriman (because he’s a Great Value Magnus), and two Daemon Princes. Daemon Princes are some damage powerhouses and decent force multipliers.

Lastly, He took a Spearhead detachment with another Daemon Prince and some Plagueburst Crawlers for Backfield objective-holding and firepower that essentially covered the board.

Like we’ve said before, these lists are completely unique compared to the meta titans that were popping up at every tournament for a while. This really is a breath of fresh air and we hope to keep seeing more unique lists make it to the top in tournaments to come. Congratulations to the winners and great job on your unique armies!

Let us know what you think about the lists on our Facebook Hobby Group.