Move Your Army With Ferro-Resin Movement Trays

By Tim Roberts | July 11th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Magnets, Warhammer 40k News


The Magnet Baron can help you keep your troops in line with the latest additions to their Ferro-Resin Movement trays. Squad up!

From flight stand to movement trays The Magnet Baron is ready to help you with your magnetic hobby needs. Let’s take a look at some of their latest releases.

3-Man Oval Ferro-Resin Movement Tray: $6.99


Do you play 40k or AoS with models? Then boy do I have the solution for you!

Metallic resin movement trays that your magnetized models will stick to!  These are all set to be the same size as the bases of your models.  This lets you measure directly from the tray itself as well as the tray not getting in the way the rest of the battle.

Get these Ferrous movement trays and keep your models right where they belong, where you put them!

Sized for Morrsarr Guard and Custodes Dawneagle Jetbikes

There are different sizes for each base size as well as a  few different configurations in other listings for larger mobs.

8+1 Guardsman+Heavy Weapon Ferro-Resin Movement Tray: $7.99

Screenshot_477Do you play 40k or AoS with models? Then boy do I have the solution for you!

Metallic resin movement trays that your magnetized models will stick to!  These are all set to be the same size as the bases of your models.  This lets you measure directly from the tray itself as well as the tray not getting in the way the rest of the battle.

Get these Ferrous movement trays and keep your models right where they belong, where you put them!

There are different sizes for each base size as well as a  few different configurations in other listings for larger mobs.

Hero Holders-Round: $1.99


Do you have characters in your army? Grab a hero base to stay organized and track modifiers. Uses ferrous bases so magnetized models stay tight to the base, but easy to remove.

These are just a few of the great Ferro-Resin trays that the hobby maniacs at The Magnet Baron have to offer.  Make sure you visit their site and secure some for your army today!