A Murder of Custodes: Adepticon 2019 Army Showcase

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Custodes grouped up and called all their friends who had jet bikes. Check out this beautiful army that was spotted at Adepticon 2019.

Adepticon brought armies from all around the world including these Custodes! Of course, they had a little help from their Imperial counterparts, but these golden boys stole the glory!

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Murder of Custodes: Adepticon 2019 Army Showcase

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The display board is simple, but looks great with the army! All of the bases on the models actually match up, which is a huge bonus to looks. The Custodes and their friends are zipping across the blasted landscape to push back the tides of Chaos.

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This Castellan is one flashy dude. But when you’re in the business of melting people’s faces off from across the table, there’s no need to have any kind of concealable paint job. You know you’re a target but you know the enemy will be dead before they can touch you.

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While the Custodes shot up the board, the Imperial Guard hung back and defended the Castellan’s shins with their lives. Plus, a little mortar support never hurt anybody.

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If you couldn’t tell, the melee workforce out of the army was the Custodes jet bikes.  Their hurricane bolters combo’d with the Guard mortar squads peeled back any screens that might cause issues. Right after the unholy volley of S4 fire, these guys would charge in and run through armor. Just check out the detail on the power weapons and cloaks. They may still have the classic Custodes paint scheme but it’s one of the cleanest jobs we’ve seen!

What do you think about Custodes in 8th edition? What’s your favorite unit out of the army? Do you prefer to play Custodes on-foot? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.