Mutant Chronicles is Back! Warzone Kickstarter

By Rob Baer | March 18th, 2013 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Kickstarter, Warzone

One of the first tabletop wargames I played after Warhammer Second Edition was Warzone, as it’s simplistic play really won me over.

Instead of taking like six hours to play a game of second edition 40k, you could play a game of Warzone in about half that time, and I am pretty sure a lot of it’s game elements were “borrowed” for Third Edition Warhammer 40k.  The game suddenly became more streamlined and competitive and seemed to emulate Warzone itself in some ways.

I myself played Cybertronic, and got to use the neat looking egg shaped warwalker that I’ve never been able to find a picture of since…

Interestingly enough Target / Heartbreaker hobbies went out of business just three years after the release of Warhammer 40k: Third Edition, after apparently some bad investments in the telecom industry.

Having played both Warzone, and the Doom Trooper/ Mutant Chronicles video and card games from the mid-nineties this franchise will always have a soft spot in my heart.

And now the game is attempting a comeback via Kickstarter!

I’ve copied over the basics from the offering, but you should definitely checkout all the details over on the actual Kickstarter Page itself.

Welcome to Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection!
The richly visualised Mutant Chronicles dark future has been exciting gamers and science fiction fans all over the world for 20 years. It is a place where….
….The Solar System is besieged by abominations from the dark beyond, infernal hybrids of undead alien flesh brought into existence by the Dark Symmetry. Mankind is divided into five rival MegaCorporations concerned only with profit and territory as they tear the inner worlds apart in bitter, internecine war. United in faith under the Brotherhood, Mankind may yet prevail – divided, they shall surely fall as the Dark Legion sweeps all before it.
Warzone Resurrection is a 28mm scale tabletop skirmish wargame for two or more players, each fielding units of warriors drawn from one of the mighty MegaCorporations of Mankind, the Brotherhood or its vile enemy, the Dark Legion. Warzone Resurrection is a fast paced, exciting and tactical miniature game created by Prodos Games Ltd. and Paraodox Entertainment. 
The Warzone Resurrection project brings the tabletop game well and truly into the 21st century. Lovingly, we have taken essence and best bits from the game, art and prose of previous editions to produce all new miniatures, a background re-imagining (by Warzone mega-fan and writing genius, Andy Hoare) and an exciting innovative gaming system. 
The gaming system involves both miniatures and cards. The minis are your skirmish force and the cards represent game resources, additional wargear, global and local effects on the battlefield etc.. In a real battle it is likely that a soldier wouldn’t know his opponents wargear, whether they have grenades or a laser-sight for example. Both sides might be surprised by a Martian earthquake or Mercurian solar flare. The Venusian jungle cover you are in might be better (or worse) than you thought! War is rarely predictable, especially when it takes place on the planets, planetoids and asteroids of the solar system! All these and many more variables are represented by the cards you and your opponent play. Making Warzone Resurrection a truly novel, realistic and exciting tabletop miniature skirmish game!  
The Warzone Resurrection Kickstarter project is to fund our fourth faction the MegaCorporation ‘Bauhaus’ (and then, hopefully, more starting with our fifth faction, the MegaCorporation ‘Capitol’). Our ultimate goal (stretch goal value: £70k) is to make the four starter sets in plastic (at present they, like all our other miniatures, will be made in high grade resin)
We already have the first three forces designed and ready for production. These are:
The Cybertronic MegaCorporation
The Brotherhood 
Dark Legion
Each starter set will include all you need to field your skirmish force, including over a dozen finely detailed 28mm scale models (although some are a lot bigger), the rules, 75 beautifully designed game cards and not one, but twotwenty-sided dice (D20s). This, and a friend with a starter set of their own, is all you’ll need to play (as well as a ruler or tape measure), but why stop there? Maybe you could expand your force with a new unit of troops, some fearsome monsters or even a vehicle of war.
Our Kickstarter goal:
Here is what you get when you buy each of the starter sets (remember these are 28mm scale finely detailed miniatures designed and produced using the most up to date technology and techniques).
Here’s an example of the quality of the miniatures you will receive:

Each model can be assembled in over 700 different combinations.
Each model can be assembled in over 700 different combinations.

The Bauhaus Starter Set (The basic troops and Angelika Drachen (hero) are 28mm and Vulcan Battlesuit is 37mm).
The Bauhaus Starter Set (The basic troops and Angelika Drachen (hero) are 28mm and Vulcan Battlesuit is 37mm).

The Legion Starter Set. (The basic troops are 28mm, the Razide a massive 55mm and Alakhai (the hero) 37mm)
The Legion Starter Set. (The basic troops are 28mm, the Razide a massive 55mm and Alakhai (the hero) 37mm)

Cybertronic Starter Set. (The basic troops are 28mm, the Cuirassier is 37mm and the Everassur, (the hero) 55mm)
Cybertronic Starter Set. (The basic troops are 28mm, the Cuirassier is 37mm and the Everassur, (the hero) 55mm)

The Brotherhood. (The basic troops and Cardinal (hero) are 28mm, The Judicator is 54mm))
The Brotherhood. (The basic troops and Cardinal (hero) are 28mm, The Judicator is 54mm))

Quality of our 28mm miniatures, Legion Legionnaires!
Quality of our 28mm miniatures, Legion Legionnaires!

Any of the above can be added to your pledge at the Special Kickstarter price listed (do this in the pledge manager)
Any of the above can be added to your pledge at the Special Kickstarter price listed (do this in the pledge manager)

Quality of resin cast.
Quality of resin cast.

There’s going to be lots of exciting additions you could bolt-on over the coming weeks. If you want them, add the extra amount to your pledge in thePledge Manager and we’ll send you a survey by email to confirm everything you want after the Kickstarter ends
Figures are supplied unpainted and are easy to assemble using superglue, meaning you can get gaming in less than 60 minutes! Made of high grade resin, but if we meet the stretch goal the starter sets will be plastic.
If you want to learn more about the game, check out these downloads:
PDF rules – Beta ruleset coming very soon!
Come and join the ‘Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection’ community at our design forum: 

OK – I’m in. What do I need to do first?

If you’ve decided to support the Warzone Resurrection (a big thank you from us!), firstly you need to pick your Pledge Level.
We recommend picking up the ‘Kickstarter’, ‘Necromutant’ or ‘Razide’ reward! –  You’ll be getting your Warzone Resurrection force off to a winning start while helping the Warzone Resurrection project to fly!
But there are many other pledge levels, each designed to get you fantastic exclusives, limited editions and savings on RRP. Have a look at the sidebar to the right and go for the one that gives you all you want. Some of the offers are limited, so if you want them grab them quick.

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.