Nearly 200 Forge World 40k Units Removed From 9th Edition

RIP-forge-worldForge World just removed over 200 Warhammer 40k units from their 9th Edition compendium, take a look at what models are moving to legends.

Everyone was super excited when GW announced they were going to have the actual rules team write all the rules for Forge World. But now it looks like there are going to be a large number of units moving to Legends status.

While that means they will be playable (depending on the tournament), it means they are being left behind. No new models, no new rules, and eventually they may just become unplayable. Just think about 8th and how certain units were in the index, but slowly moved out of the playable status.

forge world legendsAny model not in this book is moving to Legends according to GW themselves.

If you want to see more about the recent release of the table of contents from Forge World, you can check it out here. A ton of favorite units are in there, but there are some semi-shocking units left out. Let’s take a look.

Nearly 200 Forge World 40k Units Removed From 9th Edition

These are the table of contents for all the Forge World units from the Four 8th Edition Imperial Armor index books. You see there is just an insane amount (nearly 400), so maybe it was just the sheer number of entries that made them pick and choose what would make the cut into the 191 unit 9th Edition 40 Rules Compendium.

Forge World Old Rules


Forge World Old Rules 2


Forge World Old Rules 3


Forge World Old Rules 4


Forge World Old Rules 5


Forge World Old Rules 6There are just so many units here, we’re not going to go over all of them. But just looking at the number of units in this, compared to the Warhammer Community post released today, it’s quite a difference.

Let’s take a look at what’s left…

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New Imperial Armour: Compendium

Table of contents Imperial Armour 1


Table of contents Imperial Armour 2This is still a ton of units, and with the rules being written by the same people, we hope they will be more balanced than ever. People used to hate when a Forge World unit would be super overpowered, that could all be gone very soon. Also on the flip side, there were units way underpowered, it always seemed one or the other. While balanced rules are great, let’s look at what units are getting left in the dust.

Shocking Units Left Behind

This graphic was spotted on Twitter, and it hilarious. While it doesn’t cover the 200 ish models that got snapped to Legends, it does cover the more noticeable ones.

missing forge world units

GorgonHere are a few that we took note of particularly;

First up has to be the Gorgon AAT. This was just re-released about 9 months ago and now it looks like it’s not going to get any new rules. Seems strange to rerelease a mini only a couple of months before 9th and then not give it rules. While we guess it will go to Legend status, don’t expect these to be around for too long in tournaments. It’s also strange because they said they are putting a focus on the DKoK and they are losing a ton of stuff overall, not just the Gorgon.

Elysian Drop TroopersElysians, Renegades, and Heretics are completely gone, not unexpected for the renegades but the Elysians were a bit surprising.Warp Assualt Walker

The Eldar lost a host of units including Wasp assault walker, Vampire hunter/raider, and Firestorm. Not super surprising but disappointing for an army that hasn’t had new units in so long. 

XV81 Crisis SuitThe Tau Are losing a decent amount of units including the XV81/84/89 battlesuits and a bunch more. 

ork chinork warkopta

Orks Warkopta, even though it didn’t have a mini for a while, are going into legend status.

They have said everything not included will be getting a datasheet, but once a mini hits legend status, good luck getting it. Perhaps more disappointing is that it will most likely never be updated or even allowed in certain tournaments.

What do you think about the units getting left behind? Will you still use your Forge World Minis even if they move to legend status?

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