Necron All Plastic Heavy Destroyer Conversion

necron heavy destroyerHere’s how I converted Necron Heavy Destroyers using only plastic bits from my Necron kits. Who wants Finecast conversion bits? Probably not many people.

Here’s a way to do Heavy Destroyers while maybe avoiding buying anything extra at all to do it.

The only parts required for this conversion besides actual Necron Destroyer kits are the Gauss Blasters from the Necron Immortals kit. If you own Immortals and equipped them with Tesla weapons or built them as Deathmarks (I did both) then that leaves you with lots of Gauss Blasters for this conversion project.

Basically, I simply clipped off the existing gun from the Destroyer and added two Gauss Blasters end to end. One Gauss blaster has had its end clipped off to allow the second one to be attached. This makes for a nice long double barreled weapon for your Heavy Destroyers.


As you can see this conversion is a simple and effective way to portray Heavy Destroyers without a huge investment in time or extra bits. Everything is plastic so you can use your regular plastic cement.


I painted about 3,000 points of Necrons in approximately three months a few years ago. I accomplished this by using silver spray paint for my base coat. Every other color is simply painted right over it. No attempt at winning any painting contests here, just to have a nice looking finished army in a reasonable amount of time. I built and painted six of these Heavy Destroyer conversions as well as four regular Destroyers at the time.


I’m currently working on painting some Ork Flashgitz. I’m also trying to find a way to get to my Space Wolves. I haven’t updated that army since 3rd Edition 40K and I own a ton of the newer plastics. So many models, so little time.