Necron Hexmark Destroyer & Wave 3: Unboxing

By Travis Pasch | November 30th, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Necron Hexmark Destroyer & More New Units: UnboxingThe Necron Hexmark Destroyer, Convergence of Dominion, and Ophydian Destroyers are here, check out our unboxing and build of the new models!

We recently had an unboxing the Wave 3 Necrons that came out and see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop. Rob goes over all three of the new releases, compares them to other Necron models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons.  That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Necron Hexmark Destroyer & More New Units: Unboxing

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Necron BoxesThe Necron releases are pretty much rounded up with this set of releases here. We may get more with Kill Team, but we’ll have to wait and see! The Ophydians are $55 for three, the Hexmark is $35, and the Convergence of Dominion is $65. Pretty standard with their current pricing.

Convergence of Dominion

Convergence of DominionThis is a two sprue kit that is push-fit. Let’s dive into it!

Sprues and Instructions

Convergence of Dominion instructionsThey all look very easy to build and with being push-fit, shouldn’t be too hard.

Convergence of Dominion spruesYou get two identical kits that just lock together. Basically, only a few pieces for each one, should be super easy!

Completed Convergence of Dominion

Convergence of Dominion completedThis took no time at all, but there is some flash to trim off, so keep that in mind. It is push-fit but isn’t super tight, so more the ETB style than pure push-fit. So Rob still used some Tamiya Extra Thin Cement to make sure it stayed together. Overall a nice chonky piece of terrain, that went together in a few seconds.

Size Comparisons

Convergence of Dominion Size Comparison


Convergence of Dominion sizeThis is actually pretty big! It towers over most things in the range, but about the size of the other big kits.

Ophydian Destroyers

Ophydian DestroyersThey really remind Rob of the old metal Wraith minis. They are almost the same thing with extra weapons added to the hands.

Sprues and Instructions

Ophydian Destroyers instructionsThe instructions are pretty well laid out and it looks fairly simple overall. You also get a few extra heads with the kit so you’ll have some options there. All three of them go together relatively the same, so shouldn’t be too bad!

Ophydian Destroyers spruesYou get three small sprues with the kit. All the torsos are on one sprue, so you can’t just break the sprues up to build them. Because of how they are made, you will have to do a decent amount of trimming on these a well. Not really the new easier to build style Rob has been talking about.

Completed Minis

Ophydian Destroyers completeRob also built the small guy in the kit as well because it’s a little different from the other one from Indomitus. Everything goes together pretty well and quickly. The only thing a little strange is the tiny bit of terrain on the base, Rob is going to fill out the rest of his base with the Liquitex Sand to make it look more natural. Overall a pretty easy mini to build with a great old-school wraith vibe to it!

Size Comparisons

Ophydian Destroyers Size Comparison


Ophydian Destroyers Size Comparison 2They are decently sized and stand a little bit taller than the Necron Overlord. Of course, they dwarf the poor Warrior, just like everything in this army…

Necron Hexmark Destroyer

Hexmark boxWhat if there was one guy with six guns? The little Necron that could! This kit is $35 for the one mini, let’s jump into it.

Sprues and Instructions

Hexmark InstructionsThe torso looks like it goes together easily, the arms might get a little funky. They do give you a ton of side shots of the assembly to help out, but each arm is a gun, arm, and a wire. Could be somewhat challenging with so many arms. And the last two arms just pop on at the end.

Hexmark SprueYou get a single character sprue in the kit, overall it has a ton of detail. You will have to trim down the flash on this one since it has detail on both sides.

Completed Mini

Hexmark CompletedHe’s not super challenging to build, but you need to constantly refer back to the instructions. It turns out they aren’t super well-laid-out, but they are good enough to get you through. You also don’t need the terrain piece to build it so that’s nice. No real GOTCHAS, just pay attention to the instructions!

Size Comparisons

Hexmark Size Comparison


Hexmark Size Comparison 3


Hexmark Size Comparison 2He’s about the same size as an Overlord, but the scale makes perfect sense for the size of the base. He’s obviously bigger than the Warrior… At least the Necron Warrior is bigger than the Scarabs…

That does it for this one! Overall three really cool minis that were pretty easy to build. 

What do you think about all the new Necron Stuff? Have you already built and painted yours?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.