Necrons & Tau Need Psychic Phase Interaction

By Wesley Floyd | November 30th, 2018 | Categories: Necrons, Tau, Warhammer 40k News

necrons hor wal

Necrons and Tau are known to not have any interaction with the Warp. However, from a gameplay standpoint, they both need something.

It seems a little unfair to completely shut some factions out of an entire phase of the game. Here are just some honest suggestions of psychic interaction that I think Necrons and Tau would totally be in the realm of possibility of having “fluff-wise.” These wouldn’t be hard for GW to implement at all.

Triarch Matter Disruptor

cryptek necron

Disclaimer: Necrons do have powers of the C’tan and can even deny a Psychic power or two…but they pale in comparison to the power of Psychic shenanigans other factions can pull off. Necrons going against something like Eldar or Thousand Sons are already playing on hard-mode.

Looking at what the Necrons should get would be a new unit called Triarch Matter Disruptors. This would more than likely be an elite slot and a special type of Necron that had some kind of weird mishap when he was transformed into a metal husk by the C’tan.

Rules-wise, they could give off a -1 to cast bubble within 12-18″. They would also be able to deny a single psychic power per phase. That way, Necrons could seed these units in their ranks and blanket the entire army in a -1 bubble.

XV-69 Warp Drone

drone art

Looking at the T’au lore-wise, they don’t have “souls” and therefore have no interaction with the Warp. With that being said, they should have no problem making a drone that could disrupt time and space around them.

Just like the Necron Triarch Matter Disruptors, they could give off a -1 to cast bubble within 12-18″.(these -1 to cast bubbles would not stack). Instead of giving the ability to deny a Psychic power the traditional way, the could follow the normal rules that drones do. (i.e denying the power on a 5+).

Should Tau and Necrons have more interaction with the Psychic phase? Would you like to see these units make their way to the table? Do you have some other thoughts for these factions? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.