NEW 40k- A Supplement Appears!

By Rob Baer | May 16th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

bloodthirster box

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, a new Supplement has stepped forward. Come see ‘Blood Oath’!

Looks like it’s the forces of Chaos versus the Emperor’s finest in yet another chapter of the Long War. Rumored to be ‘Show Only’ at this point.

No salt required for this one folks, dive in.

Via Blog for the Blood God!

11169071_1615905578656282_6848256167768679264_n - Copy 11113850_1615918248655015_2276970851106239237_n - Copy 11259439_1615918215321685_1809884407736652747_n 11159458_1615918148655025_7582449146856585196_n

That’s not all folks, checkout a ton more form the new supplement below!

Warhammer World / Horus Heresy 5 Roundup