BREAKING: New Primaris & Death Guard Models Spotted

primaris book cover horGames Workshop just announced the latest new products for 8th edition. Come see the two box sets featuring new Primaris Space Marine and Death Guard.

New 40k products were just announced over on Warhammer Community, and it looks like there’s going to be a lot coming up in the near future. Let’s see what they had to say about the new box sets and models.

Hot off the heels of Dark Imperium there’s even more Death Guard and Primaris Space Marines landing soon. The releases begin next week with two new champions of humanity, and then in July an array of Getting Started products, making it easier than ever to get involved in the 41st Millennium.

40k Primaris Cap Reveal

The Primaris Captain is a stoic, indomitable commander, posed urging his army forward… It’s immediately clear that the Captain is as much a leader as he is a fighter, although a power sword and bolter imply masteries in both ranged and close quarters combat. This is a model that’s going to look right at home in the thick of your Intercessors and Hellblasters while managing to stand out on his own terms – perfect, given his role as a frontline leader both on the tabletop and in the background. There’s no Chapter specific iconography on the model, meaning whichever Space Marine Chapter you collect, you’ll be able to paint and personalise your Primaris Captain to match. The kit also has options for different heads and weapons, allowing for even greater customisation.

40k Primaris Librarian

The Primaris Librarian blends the noble bearing of the Primaris Captain with a wealth of occult detail and baroque cybernetics indicative of a darker, more mysterious kind of warrior. He is a warrior-mystic, trained in both physical and psychic warfare, and this carries over to the positioning of the miniature itself; one hand wields a deadly force sword while the other is raised as if to smite the foe with psychic power. Like the Captain, you’re free to customise the Librarian to suit any Chapter you like (barring the Black Templars, who refuse to tarry with any such foul sorcery!). You can either build the Librarian bare-headed or with a custom helm linked to his psychic hood.

Both of these new models will be available for pre-order next weekend according to Games Workshop, followed by a wave of releases of Getting Started products. But what about new Death Guard models?

The Getting Started products are looking like a great alternative to buying the new starter if you’re looking to save a couple of those hobby bucks but still want some of the new models.

In July, both the Primaris Space Marines and the Death Guard are getting new units, starting with the Reivers of the Adeptus Astartes. Many of these Getting Started kits will be in the Easy to Build format, meaning they’ll be easy to assemble – they’re made of coloured plastic and you won’t even need glue. There are also two new Getting Started boxes and a Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 book coming soon, giving you a range of options for beginning your journey in the 41st Millennium.

40k Primaris Reivers

Our first Easy to Build kit of the new edition features the Reivers. These guys are the guerilla specialists of the Primaris Space Marines, and their miniatures have a threatening, predatory feel. In contrast to the stalwart Intercessors, the Reivers appear to be advancing forwards, equipped with suppressed bolt pistols and brutal-looking combat blades.

Stripped down Mk X armour allows for a good look at how this newest mark of Space Marine armour functions, with the midsection of the models showing thick bundles of fibrous cabling; this is the mechanical muscle that lets the Reivers punch through concrete, sprint in full plate and leap through ruins and jungles. Finally, each Reiver wears the visage of a leering skull – these guys aren’t just about stealth, but terror. Even if you’ve already got an Imperial army, Reivers will make a great addition to your force, and there are rules in the box to let you start adding them to your games straight away.

40k Easy Plague

The Plague Marines Easy to Build offer features models as varied and as finely detailed as those found in the Dark Imperium box, bloated bodies all but spilling from rusting, ancient power armour. The Plague Champion is particularly grotesque and is one of the first Death Guard miniatures to go completely bare-headed, giving us a glimpse at what little remains of his humanity. The blight launcher in the kit is a great visual reference to the history of the Death Guard, and eagle-eyed hobbyists will notice the similarities to weapons from the Horus Heresy, blending design elements from the grenade launchers wielded by the Deathshroud Terminators and the rad-missile launchers equipped by Destroyers. It’s a great way to tie the Death Guard to their historical roots and an indication of the horrific weapons they bring to bear in the reaping to come. Whether you’re bolstering your forces from Dark Imperium or starting your own Vectorum, this Easy to Build kit is a great way to do it.

40k Easy Pox

Finally, you’ll be able to bolster your plague-ridden hordes with Easy to Build Poxwalkers. Like their unfortunate compatriots in Dark Imperium, these miniatures are ridden with all manner of horrific diseases and go to battle wielding the last vestiges of their personal lives as improvised weapons. Poxwalkers make for a powerful choice in any Chaos Army and, thanks to their Diseased Horde rule, we imagine you’ll have quite a few of them, so these designs are a great way to add variety and character to a unit. Whether you’re yet to take your first steps into Warhammer 40,000 and are looking for the easiest way to start a new collection or you’re already looking for ways to bolster your armies from Dark Imperium, it’s going to be an exciting few weeks of new releases.

40K Getting Started

These products will be released alongside our new ways to get started. The first of these is our Getting Started with Warhammer 40,000 handbook – this 103-page guidebook is the perfect guide for any Warhammer 40,000 beginner, giving a thorough overview of the universe of the 41st Millennium, how the game works and the different armies you can collect. It also comes with an Easy to Build Intercessor and a set of core rules, allowing you to take the first steps of your journey for around the price of a White Dwarf.

40k First Strike

First Strike, on the other hand, is a great boxed set for both new and experienced players of Warhammer 40,000. For new players, there’s everything you need in the box to start playing, including miniatures, rules, and a guidebook taking you through a series of handy scenarios to teach you to play. There’s a double-sided gaming mat in the box, and it’s printed so that it doubles as a set of cardboard Munitorum Armoured Containers – meaning you’ll have somewhere to play your first few games. The box itself contains all our new Easy to Build miniatures, but for almost half the price you’d pay if you got them all separately – it’s a great way to get your hands on all the new releases in one place! There’s also a pocket-sized Battle Primer that’ll be helpful for you whether you’re playing your first few games or you’re a seasoned veteran in need of a quick-reference guide.

40k Know No Fear

Finally, Know No Fear is great for players looking to make a comprehensive start, containing full armies for the Death Guard and the Primaris Space Marines. As well as getting a Patrol Detachment’s worth of miniatures for each side, you’ll get rules, your guide to getting started, a gaming mat and card scenery – all for nearly half the price of Dark Imperium. Combined with the Easy to Build kits, you’ll be able to assemble a diverse and powerful force of Death Guard or Primaris Space Marines in no time.

40k Primaris ReiversFind out more about the Reivers and other new Primaris fluff

So it looks like Games Workshop is far from done with their new releases for 8th edition. Both of the new boxes look like a great way to get new people involved in Warhammer, including new no glue needed models. The Primaris are getting new Captain and Librarian models, while it looks like Death Guard are getting some new designs as well.

What are your thoughts on all the new products? Let us know in the comments below.

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