New 40k Chaos Knight Rules Teasers & Predictions

Chaos heretic Knights warhammer 40k codex download pdf revealed

Don’t miss the new Chaos Heretic Knight rules teasers and our own bold predictions for the newest renegades in Warhammer 40k!

Chaos Knights are on the way and they are looking FANTASTIC. Between all the chains, skulls, and meathooks, we have a few ideas on how the Chaos Knights will be different from the Loyalist counterparts.

If you heard our podcast a while back we’ve been scratching our heads at what their rules could be looking like. Take a look at some of the thoughts from Kenny, Rob and some of the Long War listeners.

Why Are We Just Now Seeing Chaos Knights?

chaos knight armiger


Back in the day, you might have heard that Chaos Knights weren’t exactly “a thing” lore-wise. While they existed, they were so few in number that Games Workshop may have hinted that they would never really highlighted them. However, keeping up with current events on Vigilus. We feel like we can make a case for some Knights seeing what Abaddon is doing and wanting to join his side. Of course, these Knight crews would abandon their household and take on the new colors/powers of Chaos.

Of course, there are traitor houses on record from the Horus Heresy, that may also appear in the new codex as well.

Chaos Knights & Their  BenefitsChaos heretic Knights warhammer 40k codex download pdf revealed

Chaos Knights, being tainted by Warp energy, have been altered into more scary Daemon-looking walkers. With them fighting alongside the Chaos factions, we feel like they won’t have anything to do with their households they were once a part of. Cashing in their Household keyword for perhaps the previewed Pacts and Damnations could unlock certain stratagems/relics/traits for them to use in-game.

For example:


  • A trait that gives -1 to all damage suffered (To a minimum of 1, of course).
  • A relic plasma cannon that has higher damage/AP than regular plasma counterparts. (Maybe some kind of lasting damage effect).
  • Finally, a stratagem that gives it -1 to hit for a phase. This is something like Nurgly flies swarming the walker hiding it from enemy fire.


  • A trait that gives them +1 to hit in close combat.
  • A relic weapon that acts like better titanic feet. (Really just infantry killing).
  • Stratagem that gives them +1 to all movement. (move, advance, charge, etc.).

chaos knight wal


  • A trait that lets you reroll charges.
  • A relic axe that gets bonuses for killing other Knights and vehicles.
  • Stratagem for advancing and charging.


  • A trait that gives them a reroll 1 to hit for shooting aura.
  • A relic flamer with two modes of fire. Maybe a single shot/high damage and a multi-hit/low damage profile.
  • A stratagem that gives them +1 to their ion shield. To a max of 4++.

Traitors Are Still Figuring Things Out

GW Announces New Chaos Heretic Knights!

We feel like Knights will definitely have their uses on the tabletop, but it would make sense for them to not have as many tricks/relics as their Loyalist counterparts. Just because they’re new to this whole “Chaos” thing. It makes sense lore-wise that they are still making a name for themselves. With that said, in time we could even see named Knight characters that rose to the top of their Traitor brothers. Or maybe they could call in some classic Traitor Legions from the times of the Horus Heresy that have been biding their time.

Either way, chances are the houses/pacts will mirror existing abilities from the Imperial Knights codex, potentially being a little “softer”.

Hints at the New Chaos Knight Rules From GW

Warhammer Community revealed a massive announcement showcasing all of the datasheets of 8th edition units converted to Apocalypse. In the midst of all the stats, the Chaos Knights were spotted.

They also mentioned in the official pre-release post that there would be a very specific way these would be fielded, with a little Chaos flair:

chaos knight dominus

You’ll also be able to declare your traitorous Fallen house as either Iconoclast (those who follow a twisted code of chivalry) or Infernal (those sworn to the Dark Mechanicum) and select Pacts and Damnations for your Dreadblade Knights. A new model kit is also on the way, which will let you build your choice of Knight Desecrator (a mid- to close-range powerhouse) or a Knight Rampager (a frenzied close-combat butcher).

So it looks like there may be some custom house rules to come for Iconoclasts, or potentially Infernals.  Pacts look promising, hopefully, they line up with normal benefits of the four major Choas powers!

Chaos Knight Tyrant



knight tyrant

The Knight Tyrant is sitting in the same weight class as the Loyalist’s Castellan. It’s just a Dominus-class Knight running on Warp energy at the end of the day. It even has all of the same wargear as far as we can tell.

 Chaos Knight Despoiler

Chaos heretic Knights warhammer 40k codex download pdf revealed


knight despoiler

As for the Questor-class Knights equivalent, Chaos lumped them into one name called the Knight Despoiler. These guys can take just about any combination of weapons and have the same access to wargear as the Loyalists.

Chaos War Dogs

chaos knight armiger


war dog

And lastly, for the Loyalist’s Armiger equivalent Knight, Chaos will have the War Dogs. These guys are definitely the “Bad Guy” version of Armigers for two reasons. They have all of the same wargear and are the only Knights that travel in packs. They may operate independently from each other in-game, but the Vehicle Squadron lets you bring three in a single detachment as long as you place them all at the same time and within 6″ of each other during deployment.

What Does This All Mean?

Chaos Knights Codex

There are definitely some important takeaways here. It’s exciting to see the Chaos variants of Imperial Knights already coming with rules when Apocalypse drops fresh out of the gate. While we don’t have any official models and have only seen a handful of previews, this could be a sign that Chaos Knights waiting for us just around the corner for 8th edition as well.  It’s also important to remember that Chaos and Imperial variants of models usually differ in some small way in 8th edition (That may not be the case in Apocalypse).

What do you think about the new Chaos Knights? Could we see a new meta of Knights emerge in 8th edition? What model will you be playing? let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.