New 40k Christmas Battleforces Worth Buying?

Chrismas Battleforces 2020 warhammer 40kAre they going to be worth the money? Let’s look at the value of the new 40k Christmas Battleforces and see how much you may save!

The boxes last year ran from $170 – $200, so let’s assume they will stay close to those prices for the sake of this post. Last year had a couple of boxes with some pretty decent value, hopefully, if the prices stay the same, this year will also save you some cash!

Are the New 40k Christmas Battleforces Worth Buying?

2019 battleforcesThe highest savings from last year came from the Tyranid Battleforce with the Drukhari Box just behind. They were are all fairly popular armies in 40k and came with a decent chunk of units to get somebody started off on the right foot. Each one of these boxes allowed players to make a Patrol Detachment at the very least. However, some are closer to filling out Battalions (like the Blood Angels Box) than others.

You can find out more about the value breakdowns from last year in our article from 2019 here with all the prices. Now let’s dive into the new boxes!

Astra Militarum Battleforce

astra militarum battleforceBattleforce Value:

  • Hydra $60
  • Chimera $48
  • Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad $40
  • Scout Sentinel $36
  • Cadians x2 $20
  • Cadian Command Squad $36

Total: $240

We hope this one is priced around $160-$170 to keep the value around the same as last year.

Tau Battleforce

tau battleforceBattleforce Value:

  • Broadside Battlesuit $55
  • Crisis Battlesuit Team $75
  • Piranha $36
  • Commander $55
  • Fire Warriors $50
  • Pathfinder Team $38

Total: $309

We hope this one is priced around $200 to keep the value around the same as last year.

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Space Marines – Interdiction Force

Space Marine Christmas BattleforceBattleforce Value:

  • Captain in Phobos Armour $36
  • 10 Infiltrators/Incursors $60
  • 10 Reivers $60
  • Invictor Tactical Warsuit $60
  • Impulsor transport $75

Total: $291

We hope this one is priced around $200 to keep the value around the same as last year.

Necrons – Eradication Legion

Necron Christmas BattleforceBattleforce Value:

  • 10 Warriors $45
  • 5 Immortals/Deathmarks $38
  • 5 Triarch Praetorians/Lychguard $48
  • Canoptek Spyder $38
  • Doomscythe/Nightscythe $60
  • Technomancer $35
  • Triach Stalker $55

Total: $319 Just to note, most of these are sold out online so the value also comes in actually being able to get these units!

We hope this one is priced around $200 to keep the value around the same as last year.

Chaos Space Marines – Decimation Warband

Chaos WarbandBattleforce Value:

  • 10 Chaos Space Marines $60
  • 5 Havocs $55
  • 5 Chaos Terminators $60
  • Maulerfiend/Forgefiend $75
  • Thunder-hammer-wielding Chaos Lord $30

Total: $280

We hope this one is priced around $180-$190 to keep the value around the same as last year.

Tyranids – Brood Swarm

Tyranid BroodswarmBattleforce Value:

  • 16 Genestealers $72
  • 10 Gargoyles $36
  • 3 Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard $70
  • Exocrine/Haruspex $75
  • Hive Tyrant/The Swarmlord $60

Total: $313

We hope this one is priced around $200 to keep the value around the same as last year.

Assuming the prices are all relatively the same, the highest savings/value will come from the Tyranids and Necrons Battleforce with the other three just behind. Well, other than the Imperial Guard one, let’s just hope theirs is cheaper! Overall, these are all decent armies in 40k. Not to mention they come with a decent chunk of units to get somebody started off on the right foot. It looks like each one of these boxes allows the player to make a Combat Patrol Detachment at the very least.

Do you think the prices will stay the same? Will you be trying to grab as many as you can?

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