Games Workshop just gave us new, and updated, FAQ’s for the Death Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperium, and Chaos.Come take a look at the latest changes.
Games Workshop has been taken a very active role in making sure our questions have been answered. Let’s take a look at their latest FAQ updates for the Death Guard, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperium, and Chaos.
With Codex: Death Guard and Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus now on shelves, we’ve had loads of feedback from the community on how you’re enjoying these latest books, as well as some questions on how certain rules are supposed to work. Today, we’re releasing some FAQs designed to make your games run as smoothly as possible.
- Download the Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus FAQ
- Download the Codex: Death Guard FAQ
- Download the Index Chaos FAQ
- Download the Index Imperium FAQ
First and foremost, let’s take a look at a couple changes from the new Death Guard codex.
You’ve had the option to take a Daemon Prince of Nurgle with wings, but there was no point value available, only a +1 to Power Level. Now we know he is going to cost 170 points, which is 24 points more than the option without wings. So, is 24 points worth a 12″ move and the Fly keyword?
One big clarification comes with the Poxwalkers.
Q: Can Poxwalkers use the Curse of the Walking Pox ability to
increase the unit above its starting strength?
A: Yes.
Q: If the Poxwalkers’ Curse of the Walking Pox ability
increases the unit above its starting strength, does this cost
reinforcement points?
A: No.
If the Poxwalkers charge in first and take down some enemy models, they will now be able to add models to their unit beyond their starting size, and it won’t cost reinforcement points. This is going to clear a lot of confusion up on the tabletop, and make players that use Poxwalkers very happy with their endless horde.
But what about the Adeptus Mechanicus?
So all we’re seeing for the Adeptus Mechanicus is the top value under Remaining Wounds for the Onager Dunecrawler is changed to read 6-11+, you don’t need to spend reinforcement points for the Fresh Converts Stratagem, and you roll Canticles of the Omnissiah separately for Deatachments with different dogmas.
The Imperium and Chaos are both getting the same change.
Thermal cannon
Change this weapon’s Type to read ‘Heavy D6’ and
Abilities to read ‘If the target is within half range of this
weapon, roll two dice when inflicting damage with it and
discard the lowest result.’
This is going to be nice change in power and range for the Thermal Cannon. They changed it to a Heavy D6 weapon, instead of a Heavy D3 that changed to a Heavy D6 if the unit had more than 5 models.
All in all we’re seeing some good changes across the board in the new FAQ’s. There’s more to be seen in the latest updates, so make sure you head over to Games Workshop and familiarize yourself with the latest rules.
What are your thoughts on the latest FAQ’s? Is there something you would like clarification on? Let us know in the comments below.