New 40k Grey Knights Castellan Crowe Miniature Revealed!

Grey-Knight-Thousands-sons-codex-wal-horThe model has been needing a rework for a long time, so get ready for the new 40k Grey Knights Castellan Crowe Mini- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the newest Grey Knights mini, with the codex on the horizon we are expecting even more minis soon! As we said, the old mini is pretty lackluster when compared with all the new stuff that has been hitting the shelves.

The rumors have it we’ll see more than just a single mini for the new Grey Knights release, and if they look like this, we’re excited! Let’s first look at the new codexes coming and then check out the mini!

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Codex 40k Books Revealed

grey knights & thousand Sons revealedAs you’ll see in the Munitorum Field Manual MkII, the Thousand Sons are also getting a new HQ choice called an Infernal Master. Sounds ominous, right? We’ll have more on this mysterious new addition to the sons of Magnus nearer to their codex’s release, so keep a third eye out for them on Warhammer Community.

For now, you can download the updated point values for the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights using the button below. These points values cater for all the units from both of these factions, and they are designed to be used alongside their current codexes until their new books arrive.

A lot of GK and T Sons players took a look at the points and judging from comments they didn’t see many changes from the current ones, but if you want to see everything, you can download them here for yourself.

GW didn’t say anything else about the battle box yet but did mention a new character called the Infernal Master, so we expect this to be like the Ad Mech release for the Thousand Sons and a bigger release for the Grey Knights. 

New 40k Grey Knights Castellan Crowe Mini Revealed!

Castellan CroweWow, that’s quite a glow-up! With such a glorious level of detail (including a library’s worth of purity seals and a hip-mounted novel), he’s bound to be a favourite with painters, and we’d be amazed if we didn’t see more than a few of these entered into future Golden Demon competitions.

New MKII Design- Get it Now!

The new mini is just really sweet and they even throw in some seals and books for good measure. The effects will be so fun to paint and we imagine there will be some amazing OSL paint jobs going on! How does he compare to the old Crowe though?

Castellan Crowe 2As you can see, Crowe still wields the Black Blade of Antwyr. It whispers, cajoles, and screams, promising undreamt power in a voice only he can hear, and it doesn’t have a mute button. It is a curse only Crowe can endure, but the risks are worth it – the sword is deadlier than ever.

When you see the two minis together, it just really lets you see how the sculpts have grown over the years. And it’s been many a year since we’ve seen the original mini.

Do you like the new mini? Will you be jumping on the rework and new codex?

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