New 40k Imperial Fists JOYTOY Action Figures REVEALED!

Imperial Fists JOYTOYNew 40k Imperial Fists JOYTOY figures, including Tor Garadon, a Redemptor Dreadnought, and more have been spotted!

If you’ve been looking for something to spice up your collection, these new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY action figures might be perfect! While they aren’t up for sale quite yet, they are awesome.

It’s actually cool to see another named character coming to the line, so if you play Imperial Fists, keep your eyes open for the release date!

We’ll first take a look at what you can order right now, then we’ll jump into the new stuff!

New JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures are Orderable in the US!

Joytoy new wave

You can get all of the above from Entertainment Earth right now or Sideshow, but we’ll also take a closer look at some of them. The nice part is now you can a bunch of different chapters, vehicles, and even DKoK!

You can click any of the links below to go grab yours now!

New 40k Imperial Fists JOYTOY Tor Garadon Action Figure

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 10We’ve only seen a few named characters up to this point, so it’s cool to see more! We can only hope they keep making them!

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 11He looks to have a ton of articulation but can also strike a stoic pose when needed.

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 12When he smashes his fist down on the table, you better start running your army the way he wants!

JOYTOY Imperial Fists Redemptor

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 8


Imperial Fists JOYTOY 9We’ve actually seen a bunch of these so far, but it’s always good to see your faction grab one!

New Imperial Fists Heavy Intercessors

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 2


Imperial Fists JOYTOY 3Obviously, the yellow boys wouldn’t come to the field without some heavy firepower!

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 4


Imperial Fists JOYTOY 5It looks like it will just be these two to start, but we could definitely see more in the future.

Primaris Captain

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 6Well, it isn’t a lieutenant, but hey, still cool!

Imperial Fists JOYTOY 7We always like it when they have different head options as it really changes the model’s looks!  Plus, he has a bunch of different weapon options as well.

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth or Sideshow Collectibles

Are you picking any of these new JOYTOY Warhammer 40k Action Figures up? What is your favorite?

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