New Changes To 40k JOYTOY Action Figures Unboxing Review

YouTube-Thumbnail-1280-x720-Joytoy-warhammer-40k-action-figures-1Don’t miss our unboxing of the latest Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Space Marines and Tau action figures, plus all the new changes in their design.

JOYTOY has been pumping out a ton of 40k action figures lately, and Rob wanted to see how the second wave of them is looking. He will show you the size compared to regular minis, how articulate they are, and just how they look. That way, you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars!

Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action Figures: Unboxing & Review

Click on these links to order your JOYTOY action figures for less: Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles Amazon | or eBay |

JOYTOY Unboxing Space Marines

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code to get yours for less from Flyima! Use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10%!

Best of all, they have free shipping for almost all of them to the States! So, if you want to grab some figures and save some cash, be sure to use the promo code to save. Flyima also regularly gets the figures first and has an insane catalog already!


JOYTOY Unboxing Space Marines 3They all come in really cool boxes with a bunch of extra bits (but some have much more than others).

JOYTOY Unboxing Space Marines 2Then, you get all the bits and everything in these cool plastic clam-packs, and they keep everything safe.

JOYTOY Space Marines UnboxingDon’t worry, though; we’ll also be looking at the new Tau stuff as well. This one will take a little bit of assembly, as some of the parts don’t come on the model.


JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 2The ATV is about a foot long and actually just looks fantastic!

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 3Just look how giant this is to a normal mini. The wheels move (roll and side to side), the bolters move, and so does the Gatling gun! Overall, this is just a super fun figure.

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 5Also, when you compare these to the McFarlane figures, they are about $30 more expensive and are smaller, but they are just so much more detailed.

Outrider Bike

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 4The bike is also just super well-painted and really fun. Remember, the bikes and ATVs come without riders, so you will have to grab another figure to put on top.

If you have a wave one figure, he doesn’t fit on perfectly, but if you have stuff from the second wave, they will sit on fine. Either way, though, it will look great on the shelf.

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 6This is the wave two action figure made for the bike, so probably worth picking it up if you’re getting the bike.

Primaris Company Champion

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 7He has a lot of articulation and can be posed in a bunch of ways, but he can’t look like the exact mini since you can’t have him double-hand the sword.


JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 8This is just a really cool kit, and the sword actually comes out of the scabbard! The only issue is that the little clasp was a little out of place, but there were no real significant issues.


JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 9This is just an incredible figure with a lot of parts!

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 10Rob would recommend using the flying stand even if it’s just on your shelf because it’s a heavy model that can tip over easily.

This model has an insane amount of movement, as you can move the hips, weapons, legs, arms, hands, and head!

You should be aware of attaching the back weapons. They have a somewhat thin plastic connector; Rob isn’t apprehensive about it, just something to keep in mind.

Feature Differences Between JOYTOY Space Marines Wave 1 & Wave 2

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 12The new 2.0 versions have very tight hands and joints. This means they hold the weapons very firmly, but it can be a little harder to actually get the weapons in there.

unboxingYou might have to use some heat in the beginning to get everything how you want it, as Rob did with the figure above.

He just used a heat gun on low, but you could use a hair dryer; however, be careful, as you don’t want to burn your models!

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 13If you have a hard time with the actual joints, you can apply a tiny bit of heat to the smaller bit. However, once you move them around a little, they loosen up.

Version 1 VS Version 2 Joytoy Action Figures

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 14The chests are slightly different between the versions, but nothing too crazy, and your collections should work together.

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 15The joints are also a little better now with a sort of double butterfly joint; overall, it just gives you more options.

JOYTOY Space Marines Unboxing 16One last option, to make the joints fit a little easier, you can grab some pliers and a paper towel. Then, wrap the paper towel over the joint you’re working on and use the pliers over the top so you don’t mess up the plastic, but you can manipulate it a little.

All of the new JOYTOY 40k action figures in this section have hit pre-orders here in the states from Entertainment Earth and Sideshow Collectibles, or you can browse secondary sellers on Amazon and eBay.

Don’t forget you can use Discount Code: SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 10% on Flyima as well!

Click Here To Get JOYTOY From Entertainment Earth, Flyima, or Sideshow Collectibles

What do you think of this JOYTOY Space Marines unboxing and size for the new JOYTOY figures?

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