New 40k Kill Team Arena & AoS Made To Order Bundle

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More new releases are here for 40k Kill Team along with the latest Made to Order offering from Games Workshop for Age of Sigmar!

This week’s Kill Team Arena release may be a big thing for Kill Team players across the globe as they look to extend their gameplay to a more competitive format. Check out all the new previews below!

Kill Team: Arena – Competitive Gaming Expansion: $90

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Kill Team: Arena is an expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team that introduces rules for competitive play, using evenly balanced terrain set-ups and mission objectives to offer each player an even playing field. Also included are missions and rules for running competitive Kill Team tournaments, either for single players or teams of two allies (known as Battle Brothers).

The Book

A 64-page softback book, Kill Team: Arena explains everything you need to know about playing competitive games of Kill Team, from one-off games to various formats of tournament play:

Killzones: This sections describes rules for Ultra-close Confines combat and introduces four new Killzone Environments (Generatorium, Catacombs, Armorium Stockpile, and Garrison Vault), each with their own environmental rules.

Competitive Play: This section includes competitive rules, terrain maps, and missions intended for use in games where balance is paramount, such as those played in tournaments.

Battle Brothers: Introduces a cooperative format for playing team-based competitive play games of Kill Team, where each Battle Brothers team consists of two players whose kill teams are pitted against their opponents’ to see who can complete the most objectives. Includes 4 Battle Brothers missions and 28 Battle Brothers Tactics.

Ultima Missions: This section describes how to create custom competitive missions using the Killzones found in Kill Team: Arena by utilizing randomly generated killzones, deployment maps, and Arena Objectives. This ensures no two competitive play games are exactly alike!

Kill Team Tournaments: Guidelines for running and participating in competitive play Kill Team tournaments, including how to register players and command rosters, determining player pairings in each round of a tournament, as well as how to score and rank players.

Using Competitive Play Missions in Campaigns: Guidance on how to use the missions from this set in your campaign games.


Along with the comprehensive book of rules, there is included a set of cards, tokens, scenery and gameboards for use with Arena:

– 28 Battle Brothers Tactics cards
– 12 mission cards, including Battle Brothers missions and 8 Competitive Play missions
– 2 sets of 12 Arena Objective cards (one for each player). Each deck is also supplied with a storage sleeve to ensure they are not mixed up.
– 2 x 22×30” double-sided, folding card gameboards
– 2 plastic frames of scenery, each containing the following: 5 doors, 4 barrels, 10 crates, 1 pipe, and 1 cylindrical container.

A copy of the Kill Team Core Manual is required to use this set.

Starn’s Disciples – Genestealer Cults Kill Team: $65

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Ghyrson Starn is a hero of the xenos-tainted cultists who infest the war-torn world of Vigilus, a symbol of resistance against the tyrannical Imperium. To his enemies he is an anarchist and a cold-blooded killer, an assassin who steps from the shadows to slaughter his foes with blasts from his custom autostub pistols. He leads the kill team known as Starn’s Disciples, each of whom would gladly sacrifice their life for the gunslinging hero they idolise. This band of killers has murdered planetary governors, sabotaged Imperial monuments and stolen munitions from Astra Militarum outposts, building their infamous legend with every fresh outrage.

An expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this box includes 6 miniatures – one of which is an exclusive Commander, a Kelermorph – a scenery set, a background booklet, as well as brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included:

– 8-page Starn’s Disciples booklet
– 18 Genestealer Cults Tactics cards
– 6 Genestealer Cults Commander Tactics cards
– 4 Mission cards 4 Psychic Power cards
– 2 Genestealer Cults Kill Team tokens sheets
– 6 Genestealer Cults datacards
– A Ghyrson Starn ability tree card that presents a new Genestealer Cults Kelermorph specialism that can only be used by Ghyrson Starn
– 1 multipart plastic Kelermorph (exclusive to this set), armed with 3 liberator autostubs and a cultist knife, supplied in pre-coloured light grey plastic
– 5 plastic Genestealer Cults Hybrid Metamorphs that can be armed with any of a huge variety of Meptamorph mutations. They can be built instead as Acolyte Hybrids that can be armed with any of a huge variety of knives, explosives, claws, hand flamers and heavy mining equipment. All miniatures are supplied in re-coloured light grey plastic.
– 1 set of Ryza-pattern Ruins.

Also included in this box are rules for using all of these miniatures in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

Killzone: Sector Fronteris Environment Expansion: $80

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At the farthest reaches of space, the boundaries of the Imperium change almost daily as new worlds are discovered and settled and others fall to predations of aliens or rogue factions seeking freedom from of the crushing yoke of Imperial oppression. Open hostility is a common occurrence on such lawless worlds, yet with fewer resources to call upon, many such conflicts are resolved as guerrilla or shadow wars.

The Sector Fronteris Killzone Environment is an expansion for Kill Team – in the packed box, you’ll find a gameboard, scenery, and exclusive rules that use the unique nature of the Sector Fronteris terrain to introduce dangerous new missions and powerful effects to your games. Included:

– A double-sided Kill Team gameboard measuring 22” x 30”, printed on heavy, durable card stock. One side depicts a sand-blasted wilderness, while the other represents a more industrialised border region
– An 8-page booklet describing the sorts of wild frontier worlds that loosely make up the borders of Imperial territory, and where the influence of Terra is seldom felt.
– 12 Sector Fronteris Tactics cards – these can be used by any Kill Team Faction, with 4 cards providing interactions with the Sector Fronteris scenery and 5 being used specifically by Scout, Comms, Sniper or Medic Specialists
– A Sector Fronteris Environment card, which provides 6 different rules that interact with the scenery
– 4 Sector Fronteris Mission cards – designed to be used in conjunction with the gameboard and scenery, this is a set of 2 matched play missions and 2 narrative play missions, which are split between attacker and defender
– 4 Ryza-pattern Ruins plastic frames – including two brand sets of frames that include 2 slot-together walls, raised barricade, 3 armoured window covers, 1 large section of flooring, 3 small sections of ruined floor, and one connector that resembles a light. If you combine these 2 new frames, you can build a complete STC Ryza-Pattern building with a roof. There are also 2 plastic frames of STC Ryza-Pattern Ruins, each containing 3 slot-together walls, 3 ruined wall sections, and an Inquisitorial crate.


Theta-7 Acquisitus – Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team: $65

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Each member of Theta-7 Acquisitus was hand-picked by Balphamus Vaulk for their combat expertise and rigorous stealth-engagement protocols. Together, they embark upon numerous secretive actions at the behest of their calculating master. Sometimes these missions are part of a sanctioned Imperial offensive, in which Theta-7 plays a small but decisive role, but often they kill only to further Vaulk’s own ends. Regardless of the nature of their task, the warriors of Theta-7 Acquisitus engage the enemy with furious fervour, eliminating their foes in the name of the Blessed Omnissiah.

An expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, this box includes 6 miniatures – one of which is an exclusive Commander, the Tech-Priest Manipulus – a scenery set, a background booklet, as well as brand-new Tactics and Mission cards. Included:

– 8-page Theta-7 Acquisitus booklet
– 17 Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics cards
– 5 Adeptus Mechanicus Commander Tactics cards
– 4 Mission cards
– 2 Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team tokens sheets
– 6 Adeptus Mechanicus datacards
– A Balphamus Vaulk Tech-Priest Manipulus ability tree card that presents a new Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest specialism that can only be used by Balphamus Vaulk.
– 1 multipart plastic Tech-Priest Manipulus (exclusive to this set), armed with magnarail lance, omnissian staff and mechadendrites, supplied in pre-coloured red plastic
– 5 multipart plastic Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Infiltrators armed either with stubcarbine and power sword, or taser goad and flechette blaster. They can be built instead as Sicarian Ruststalkers, depending on your preference, carrying either paired transonic blades, or a combination of chordclaw and transonic razor. All miniatures are supplied on red-coloured plastic.
– 1 set of Ryza-pattern Ruins

Also included in this box are rules for using all of these miniatures in your games of Warhammer 40,000.


Warhammer Legends: Made to Order Collection: $200


Worried about missing out on any of this week’s classic Made to Order Orcs and Goblins? We’ve got you covered! By grabbing this bundle, you’ll ensure you get one of every single Made to Order release this week – to remind you, that’s:

– Warhammer Legends: Night Goblin Shaman
– Warhammer Legends: Goblin Shaman
– Warhammer Legends: Night Goblin Warboss
– Warhammer Legends: Night Goblin Boss
– Warhammer Legends: Black Orc Big Boss
– Warhammer Legends: Orc Great Shaman
– Warhammer Legends: Warboss on Wyvern

There are a total of ten classic miniatures included in this bundle. You’ve only got one week to get these models before they disappear into the mists of time once more, so hurry! This could be your only chance to own a classic…

Rules for these models can be found via the Warhammer Legends page, available here.

White Dwarf February 2019: $9


White Dwarf is Games Workshop’s premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in February’s issue:

This issue also includes a free 16-page booklet introducing many of the classic Battle Reports that Jervis and Andy Chambers have played over the years, including the complete Battle Report from White Dwarf issue 154 that influenced their clashes in this issue. Also includes a host of background information that informed the future of Warhammer 40,000. Content is in English language only.

These new releases from Games Workshop look great this week and we can’t wait to see these Kill Team units in action on the tabletop! Make sure you check back next week to see what’s new from Games Workshop.