New 40k Kill Team & LoTR Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

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Multiple retailers have confirmed the prices of what’s next for Games Workshop’s releases. Check out what things will cost ahead of the curb.

Games Workshop has been pumping out releases for 40k lately and now it’s time for Lord of the Rings to hit the spotlight. Get ready for the Middle Earth universe to hit the shelves along with a little bit of Kill Team sprinkled in.

Multiple retailers have confirmed the prices and lineup everything that’ll be hitting the shelves soon from Games Workshop. Decide what you want to spend your hobby bucks on now so you can beat the crowd!

Kill Team Mordelai $60


Kill Team Slicing Noose $50

You can’t get a Kill Team and not have matching dice to go with them.

Dark Eldar Dice $12.50


Deathwatch Dice $12.50

Be sure to keep an eye out, because GW is hinting that more factions are coming out in the near future.
Have you been feeling like Kill Team lacks sophistication and you need something a little more formidable? You’re about to get it, by way of Killzone: Death World Forest.

Killzone Deathworld Forest $80

Death world forests are one of Kill Team’s most unusual Killzones, shaking up old strategies and presenting new challenges, opportunities and dangers for the forces battling in them. If you thought urban battlefields were deadly, you haven’t seen anything yet…

We’ve all had our fair share of urban cityscapes. Now Games Workshop is taking Kill Team to Xenos forests.

As with the Killzones before it, the death world forest is packed with content, featuring unique missions and Tactics usable by your team. Whether you’re looking to add even more danger your campaign or just grab loads of terrain at a great price, you’ll want to make sure you pick up this box.

GW is relaunching a strategy battle game; The Battle of Pelennor Fields. They say they’re giving “newcomers to the hobby, and seasoned veterans alike, something to sink their teeth into.”

Battle of Pelennor Fields $150

pelennor fields

Don’t forget to represent your faction with loads of dice!

Rohan Dice Set $12.50

One Ring Dice Set $12.50


Mordor Dice Set $12.50


Weapon Measurers $35

Each weapon in the set has a different size… with some of them especially appropriate. Sting is 4″, which is how far Hobbits can move, while Gimli’s axe is 5″ long (the typical move for a Dwarf). Even Gandalf’s staff is 12″ long, which just so happens to be the range of most Magical Powers.Oh, and there’s a nifty double-sided Priority marker in the set too. One side has the White Tree while the other displays the baleful Eye of Sauron – perfect for showing whether Good or Evil has Priority this turn.

Those weapons lengths are actually very cleverly designed. It wouldn’t be a bad idea picking up a set.

New 40k Kill Team & LoTR Lineup & Pricing CONFIRMED

What do you think about the latest releases coming from Games Workshop? Will you be getting Pelennor Fields? What faction will you be playing? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.