New 40k Kill Team & More Pricing CONFIRMED!

Here is the confirmed pricing for all the new 40k Kill Team, Into the Dark box, Black Library releases, and more!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these pre-orders from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, July 3rd, 2022, around 1 pm EST! 

New 40k Kill Teams, Into the Dark & More Pricing CONFIRMED!

This is a pretty big week for Kill Team as not only will the new Into the Dark box be released, but a ton of other teams also have new pricing! So, if you’ve been waiting to revamp your collection, now might be the time.

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Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Into the Dark $210

Kill Team Into the Dark

The new season of Kill Team kicks off with the Into the Dark boxed set as we explore the claustrophobic confines of the space hulk Gallowdark. This setting adds a new tactical dimension to your games as you and your opponent try and claim the advantage in brutal close-quarters fighting.

As the newest box set to arrive for Kill Team, this is the easiest package to up your Kill Team gaming experience! The pricing for this box looks to include new rules for the Into the Dark terrain and the new models.

Imperial Navy Breachers and Kroot Farstalker Kinband.

The box includes two brand new kill teams in the form of the Imperial Navy Breachers and the Kroot Farstalker Kinband. The former rely on brute force, clearing rooms with their shotguns, while the latter are more like a scalpel, clinically hunting their enemies and picking them off with surgical precision. The box contains 10 Breachers plus their two robotic companions, the C.A.T. and the Gheistskull, and 10 Kroot mercenaries with two loyal Kroot Hounds.

The stars of the box are most likely the two new warbands featuring the Emperor’s finest and some unassuming Kroot (which will definitely win if underestimated).

Into the Dark terrain set

There’s also some incredible new terrain, recreating the layout of a space hulk on the tabletop in innumerable ways. As the season progresses, you’ll be able to add more walls, pillars, and hatchways, giving you a magnificent terrain collection that will be large enough for Warhammer 40,000 games.

Another new thing in the box is new terrain featuring some interesting close-quarter combat options with tight corridors and hallways!

Elucidian Starstriders $60

Elucidian Starstriders

First seen in the Kill Team: Rogue Trader boxed set, the Elucidian Starstiders are available separately for the first time. The set comprises a Rogue Trader, a Death Cult Executioner, a Rejuvenant Adept, a Lectro-Maester, a Voidmaster, four Voidsmen, and Canid. The Death Cult Executioner is more than a match for any other operative in melee, while you can lay down covering fire with your rotor cannon and Elucia Vhane’s esoteric weaponry.

These models are super unique, so being able to snag them finally outside of the original bundle is huge!

Gellerpox Infected $65

Gellerpox Infected

Also escaping from the same boxed set are the Gellerpox Infected, a kill team made up of techno-organic mutants and daemons. Overwhelm your opponents with Eyestinger Swarms, Glitchlings, Sludge-Grubs, and Cursemites before finishing them off with your Fleshscreamer, Bloatspawn, and Lamberghast.

Similarly, these Nurgly boys are another great set of models in which fans can rejoice now that they can get them again! (not to mention, a lot of these would make great proxy models)

Kill Team Annual 2022 $45

Kill Team Annual 2022

The rules for both of these kill teams can be found in the Kill Team Annual. It also includes rules first found in White Dwarf, including those to field a Warpcoven, Hunter Clade, Wyrmblade, and Void-dancer kill teams. There are a host of missions for you to try out new challenges for your special operatives. 

On the rule side of things, this Annual update is a must for consistent Kill Team players.

Phobos Strike Team $65

Phobos Strike Team

The well-armed and armoured Phobos Strike Team from the Kill Team: Moroch boxed set is getting a stand-alone release. The miniatures can be assembled as Infiltrators or Incursors and come with an upgrade sprue allowing you to make a range of specialists, including a Voxbreaker, a Saboteur, and a Marksman.

The dynamic Phobos models for Kill Team are also hitting shelves separately, which are perfect for 40k and Kill Team fans alike.

Blooded $60


Kill for the Dark Gods with this unit of Traitor Guard. Led by a Traitor Enforcer who’s backed up by his massive Traitor Ogryn friend, they are a twisted take on the Veteran Guardsmen kill team. The kit has options to build a variety of specialists, including a Sharpshooter, a Grenadier, a Trench Sweeper, and a Butcher. They will also soon have rules for Warhammer 40,000.

But that’s not all! These Chaos Guardsmen are the final Kill Team set hitting shelves separately from their debut! It’ll be interesting to see how their 40k rules turn out as well…

Killzone Moroch $112

Killzone Moroch

Build your own killzone for Kill Team with this set of Fronteris terrain. The box includes a Landing Pad, a Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine, an STC Hab Bunker and Stockades, and a double-sided gameboard. It’s a great way to pick up a Kill Team battlefield in a box or to add to an existing Warhammer 40,000 terrain collection.

The Terrain from Moroch is a perfect way to spruce up a small board or combine it with other elements to make a bigger industrial board for 40k!

Kill Team: Moroch $45

Kill Team Moroch

The Kill Team rules for the Phobos Strike Team, the Blooded, and Killzone Moroch can all be found in this book! There are nine missions that can be used with any kill team and background and artwork relating to the bstcovert operations around Moroch.

And lastly, for Kill Team, we’ve got the Moroch book bringing you ways to experience some new scenarios and rules to spice up your Kill Team games!

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The Soul Drinkers Omnibus $18

The Soul Drinkers Omnibus

Having served the Emperor for thousands of years, the Soul Drinkers are sorely tested when an ancient artefact throws them into conflict with those they are honour-bound to obey. Will they back down or rebel? This omnibus collects together Ben Counter’s novels Soul Drinker, The Bleeding Chalice, and Crimson Tears in paperback and ebook formats.

Omnibus books are a great way to get a ton of lore in one tidy package.

Volpone Glory $16

Volpone Glory

Nick Kyme’s Volpone Glory comes to paperback for the first time. Follow the exploits of the Volpone Bluebloods as they’re sent into a meat grinder and pushed to the limit – can they endure the bloodiest campaign in their history and emerge victorious?

Will you be picking any of these releases up? Are you excited about the pricing for the new kill team into the dark box set?

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