New 40k Points Updates & FAQ Change Up Orks Again

Orks-FAQ-warhammer 40kThere are some big 40k Orks points changes in the Munitorum Field Manual and an accompanying FAQ for the greenskins!

The last round of FAQS was actually somewhat harsh to the Orks, who were doing pretty well but weren’t smashing tournaments left and right. Some of the new changes are basically bringing them back from some of those changes, so good news for Xenos and bad news for everyone else!

As they often do, GW didn’t mention that the FAQ or points were changed, and possibly worse, GW doesn’t highlight point changes in the Munitorum Field Manual. So, while having all the points is nice, would it really be that hard for GW to highlight the changes?

We grabbed some of the changes, but it’s hard to tell everything that changed, considering they didn’t actually highlight them outright so be sure to check it out and see what’s different for your faction. Anyway,

let’s get into the changes for Orks, starting with the FAQ and then checking out the points changes.

New 40k Orks FAQ

New Orks FAQ

So, these two changes were highlighted in the last FAQ as well, but considering they put this out again, we’ll cover them quickly for you. First, Groundshaker Shells only works on ‘eavy lobbas now, not other weapons. Basically, this only applies to Kill Rigs, as people were using it actually to buff everything, and it just doesn’t seem GW intended it to be used that way.

Next, Shokk Rifles can only cause one mortal, which is nice if you happen to roll a ton of ones. The last big thing, and really the main change in this edition, is the un-nerfing of Freebooterz. This means players might actually take something other than Goff for competitive lists.

New 40k Orks Points Changes

Orks Points Changes


Orks Points Changes 2You’ll notice they actually gave points for Kustom Jobs, it looks like GW never meant to take away their points and simply forgot to put them in the last update. Unfortunately, now they went from free to original points, meaning they go back to being pretty bad. However, it makes sense upgrades cost points, so nothing too crazy.

You can download the full thing here and check out all the changes!

What do you think about the changes?

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