New 40k Orks Rules Datasheets & Points Spotted

By Travis Pasch | July 22nd, 2021 | Categories: Orks, rules, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

new-orks-rulesDon’t miss a look at all datasheets coming for Orks units in their new 9th Edition 40k codex, along with their points as well.

While these look extremely legit, but we don’t have the book in our hands so take them with a grain of salt. Thanks to these pics on Imgur part 1 and part 2 we have new rules for most of the Ork units.  There is also a cool compilation set of these images that contains them all laid out in an army list form here on Imgur as well.

We will cover some of the coolest here, but be sure to check those out for everything.   Let’s first look at some of the confirmed rules from GW, then get into the Imgur rules!

New 40k Orks Unit Datasheets & Points Spotted

Beast SnaggasFeel lucky if you were able to grab this box because it was so heavily allocated and the queue was not kind to people. Hopefully, you were able to get one through your FLGS and secured early access to the rules!

Orks WAAAGH! 40k Rules

WAAAGH! RulesFor your Warlord’s galvanising warcry to be heard, they need to be on the battlefield during the Command phase – or at the very least, embarked on a Transport that’s on the battlefield. In the latter case, we assume he shoves his head out of a window before starting the shouting.

A Waaagh! or Speedwaaagh! can be called once per battle, and they both work in two stages. Stage 1 lasts until the start of your next Command phase. Then Stage 2 kicks in, which lasts until the beginning of your subsequent Command phase.

There will be three in the book, but they only previewed two today. Only Ghazghkull Thraka can call the third one, called the Great WAAAGH!, so we’ll have to wait to see what that one does.

Still, when they first call the WAAAGH! your Orks will be more enraged, then as the second turn rolls around, they are still better, just not quite as intense. This one is really sweet and will get you a ton of extra attacks and let you advance and charge, which is just super strong.

Orks SPEEDWAAAGH! 40k Rules

WAAAGH! Rules 2This one is all about shooting, and man it really gives you a ton of extra power. With extra attacks and AP!


Dakka WeaponsDakka weapons generate solid damage output overall, but particularly reward Orks that gamble and get in real close before pulling the trigger – even Orks with guns want to get as close to a good scrap as they possibly can. Dakka gets even scarier when you look at really big guns.

This is kind of like Rapid Fire, but most times the attacks don’t double, just go up by a different ratio.

Mork’s Roar

Morks RoarFor instance, Ghazghkull’s already-spectacular Mork’s Roar goes from Assault 12 to Dakka 16/12 – a significant uptick. Likewise, the Gorkanaut’s deffstorm mega-shoota moves from a Heavy 18 to a frankly alarming Dakka 30/20. Yes, that’s 30 Strength-6 shots within 18” – considerably more than most Orks can be bothered to count.

Getting 16 shots is nice, but the Gorkanaut getting 30 shots is really insane!

New Weapon Profiles

New 40k Orks Weapons RulesEven the humble Boyz get a considerable boost, with big shootaz moving from a perfectly decent Assault 3 to Dakka 5/3, and regular shootaz switching from Assault 2 to Dakka 3/2, making them significantly more lethal at close range. 

The Big Shootaz going up to 5 shots at 18″ will give a unit with a few of them some crazy number of shots, as we said, you’ll have to have a ton of dice to play with these new rules!

New 40k Orks Unit Datasheets Spotted

Big Mek pointsComing in at 110 points, this can still dish out the damage from very far away! The version with the Kustom Force Field only runs 85 points, so a much cheaper option, but no Shokk Attack Gun!

MeganobzThe Meganobz come in at 35 points, which for a model with T and S 5, 3 wounds, a 2+ save, and a bunch of weaponry really isn’t bad. Especially when they all have S 10, -4 AP, and D3 damage, they will be able to punch through pretty much everything!

Mek GunThe Mek Gunz have a BS of 4+ and the Bubblechukka is a little easier to play with and still does a ton of damage!

New 40k Orks Weapons Rules 3Now you just roll a single dice for the entire profile, with BS 4, you might be able to actually hit something with the Dense Bubble.

Deffkilla WartrikeWith 8 wounds, this guy is going to be hopefully harder to target and to kill! As we said, the links above basically have everything in the codex in there, so be sure to go check those links out to see everything!

Do you think the new Orks unit 40k datasheets and points seem fair so far? Are you excited about the new book?

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