New 40k Points Counter, Terrain, Bases & Dice From Elrik’s

By Guest Author | June 7th, 2017 | Categories: Elrik's Hobbies, Terrain, Warhammer 40k News

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Welcome back Hobby Maniacs!  Today we’re checkout out some great new 8th Edition 40k game aides from our friends over at Elrik’s Hobbies!

Our good friends over at Elrik’s Hobbies have sent us another bundle of goodies!  First up is their Game Tracker. This is a laser cut board with slots for things like unit stat cards, 40K stratagems, or anything else roughly ‘card shaped’.  It also features two dials used for keeping track of what turn your game is on and how many points you have scored!  Really useful if you’re like Rob and you can’t remember what turn you’re on!

Plus now you can use this bad boy for keeping track of command points as well!

This nifty device retails for $24.

Turn Tracker

Next up are some awesome cinder block barricades that are resin cast, and just the right size to provide your 40K models with some cover!  You get six pieces of terrain primed grey in a a variety of sizes and shapes!

This excellently priced kit retails for about $20. What will  you use this for in 8th edition?

Ruin wall actual

As always Elrik’s is your #1 stop for resin bases!  They keep sending us so many awesome bases we can’t keep track of them all!  They’ve got bases for every unit and of every size you’ll need for your 40K and Age of Sigmar games!


Check out the whole video in the link below!

All these awesome items can be found on the Elrik’s Hobbies webstore!