More New 40k Releases for 2017 SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | December 14th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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More new releases are on the way for 40k in 2017! Come see what else is coming in January for Warhammer 40k!

In typical mid-month fashion Games Workshop came out swinging, previewing new release items that they did not put in their White Dwarf magazine that will go on pre-order December 31st!

First we saw these new box sets for 40k that are on the way for 2017:

A first look at some new, great value sets that will be hitting the shelves in new year.

These are the perfect way to expand a new army (like the one you’re getting for Christmas, since you’ve been so good all year) or to re-visit an existing army that’s just been waiting for a few reinforcements.


These are the perfect way to expand a new army (like the one you’re getting for Christmas, since you’ve been so good all year) or to re-visit an existing army that’s just been waiting for a few reinforcements.

A couple of these and an HQ choice would give you a great start to a highly mobile force as the basis of a new army for the new year.

These sets will be available to pre-order on the 31st of December.

Multiple retailers then reported to Spikey Bits that the new Armored Assault box sets will retail for $55 and be on store shelves on January 7th 2017.

That price point works out to about a 33% savings across the board with the Space Marine box clocking in at around 40% off (a $77.25 value)!

Now checkout what else is on the way in 2017:

new gw paint sets

(Photo Credit: Imgur)

Looks like a grip of new paint sets are coming January 7th to coincide with the Armored Assault box set release as well! Retail sources tell Spikey Bits that these new sets will come packed in boxes inside of a couter-top POP display similar to Magic the Gathering Cards, and retail for $15 a set.

So get ready for another great addition to the star collecting hobby line-up this January, which incidentally is the same weekend those Start Collecting Boxes turn one year old!

battleforce 40k

Games Workshop’s Bundle Deals Bulletin