New 40k Releases Coming To The UK Soon


GW announced that the Battle For Vedros is coming to the UK this fall! Come see what is in store for stockists of the newest game for 40k!

Look out for the new game in these new stores today, and join the Battle for Vedros.

Source: GW (facebook)

Exciting news for those of you asking if the Battle for Vedros range will be available outside North America. We are delighted to announce that later this year, you’ll start to see these sets in stores across the UK.

We’ll have more details for you soon.


Very cool to see that hobbyists in the Uk will have an opportunity to get this models soon as well!

The brand new Battle For Vedros starter borrows heavily from the old Battle for Macragge set. Is it the 2000’s again?

BoLS got tthe new Battle for Vedros Starter recently – checkout the new entry point for new hobbyists the world over.

The Battle For Vedros is going to be a really nice intro into the universe of Warhammer 40,000. For new players this is a perfect way to get started really quickly. It’s got quick assembly Space Marines and Orks – and if you’ve been playing 40k for awhile you probably recognize those sprues from Assault on Black Reach. While those miniatures aren’t the most articulate or unique in the pose department, they are a really good value.

WARHAMMER 40000: Battle for Vedros Starter Set $49.99 SRP


1 Space Marine Captain
6 Tactical Space Marines
1 Space Marine Terminator
1 Space Marine Dreadnought
1 Ork Warboss
5 Ork Nobz
12 Ork Boyz
1 Ork Deffkopta
1 Battle for Vedros rulebook
8 Dice


The Battle for Vedros Product Display:

4 BFV Starter Sets $49.99
4 BFV Paint Sets $29.99
3 BFV Space Marine Attack Bike $26.99
3 BFV Ork Wartrakk  $26.99
3 BFV Space Marines $9.99
3 BFV Ork Boyz $9.99
3 BFV Ork Gretchin $15.99
3 BFV Space Marine Bike $14.99
1 BFV Dispenser

Exciting times for the hobby. Question is this winter should we “brace for impact” for the influx of new hobbyists?  Remember with great hobby power come great hobby responsibility.


40k Battle For Vedros Roundup