New Nurgle Tanks, Forge World & Black Library LATEST

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This was an extremely busy weekend for the hobbies we love! Come check out the latest rumors, updates, and new releases galore!

Here’s what happened over the weekend in the world of tabletop:

GW’s New Forge World Releases Revealed

Thunderhawks wallpaper Forge world

Pre-orders for Forge World’s new Thousand Sons Model as well as a new Blood Bowl mini are now live. Come on in and take a look at this week’s pre-orders.

Custom Rules For Playing 8th Edition Horus Heresy

horus heresy wallpaper

Have you been trying to figure out how to play 30k with 8th edition rules? Come see these fantastic Fan made rules for playing Horus Heresy with 8th!

Open War Cards Create New Ways To Play 8th


Games Workshop just announced new Open War cards that will be going up for pre-order tomorrow. Come take a look a new way to play Warhammer!

New Death Guard & Primaris Tanks Spotted

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We showed you these tanks way back on March 29th, and now they are confirmed. Get the first look at two new Death Guard tanks hidden in plain sight.

New Primaris Reivers Points Teased by GW

Reiver H&S Wal HorGames Workshop just revealed the point values for the new Reivers that we’ll be seeing this well. How do much do you think these units will cost?

October’s New Releases From Black Library

LorgarThe Black Library is preparing several releases for October. From the Ynnari to Lorgar’s early life on Colchis, let’s see what they have coming.

This was a great weekend for Warhammer fans everywhere! We got to see new releases from Black Library, all sorts of content related to the new edition of Warhammer 40,000, more on the new Primaris Reivers, new Death Guard tanks, and Forge World just put the new Amon model up for pre-order.

What do you think about everything that happened over the weekend? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for making us your go to source for the latest info on the hobbies we love.


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