New 8th Space Marine Weapon Statistics Chart SPOTTED

Primaris Space MarinesA new chart showing the odds of all the Space Marine weapons has popped up on the internet, and the results may be a little surprising.

Being able to effectively predict your chances of putting wounds on an enemy model is a great tool to have in your arsenal. Well someone has created a chart with all the weapons a Space Marine can take and their effectiveness against different Toughness levels.

The new odds chart was spotted over at Miniwars and will be a great tool to use when deciding the loadout of your army.

Space Marine Weapons

There’s a lot on this chart, one of the easiest ways to see the overall effectiveness at first glance is the lighter and darker colors. The darker the red the worse the weapon, the brighter the green the better it is. But we’re going to break down each category and show you the best and worse of each to make it a little easier.

T3 5+ 1W: Best – Hurricane Bolter  3.56  Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.30

T4 6+ 1W: Best – Hurricane Bolter 3.33   Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.28


T4 3+ 1W: Best: Flamestorm Cannon 1.56   Worst –  Bolt Pistol & Wrist-mounted grenade launcher 0.11

T4 3+ 2W: Best – Flamestorm Cannon 3.11  Worst – Bolt Pistol & Wrist-mounted grenade launcher 0.11


T5 2+ 5W: Best – Flamestorm Cannon 2.33  Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.04

T5 4+ 6W: Best – Flamestorm Cannon 3.89   Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.11


T6 4+ 6W: Best – Predator Autocannon 3.56   Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.11


T7 3+ 8W: Best – Las-Talon 2.59   Worst – Bolt Pistol & Wrist-mounted grenade launcher 0.07


T8 3+ 12W: Best – Las-Talon 2.59   Worst – Bolt Pistol & Wrist-mounted grenade launcher 0.04

T8 2+ 16W: Best – Las-Talon 2.59   Worst – Bolt Pistol 0.02

So from the stats above you can see the your obvious stars are going to be the Hurricane Bolter, Flamestorm Cannon, and Las-Talon. Hopefully this will help you on your way to build the perfect army to meet your needs on the battlefield.

What are your thoughts on the new chart? Were you surprised by some of these stats? Let us know in the comments below.

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