New Blood Angels Stratagems & Secondaries 40k Rules

blood-angels-codex-rules-titlePowerful new Blood Angel 40k rules combos are here with Secondary Objectives and nearly 20 new Stratagems in their new codex!

We’ve been seeing some teaser rules from GW about the new Blood Angels, like the Death Company, but the internet has a way of finding out more! We found these images on Imgur containing all kinds of stuff about the new book

Let’s go over the new Stratagems, if you want to check out the rest of the new Blood Angels rules for 9th Edition click on one of the article links below:

Blood Angels Stratagems

Here are some of the new Blood Angels Stratagems we took a closer look at:

stratagems ba pt 1Descent of Angels is REALLY good. When you need a melee centric Jump Pack squad to get into melee and the Custode player hits them with a tanglefoot grenade, a part of you gets really sad. However with this strat that nade does nothing! For a single CP, you can ignore any amount of modifiers you choose on a single Jump Pack unit. On top of that, they also get +1 to hit that combat! Very good overall.

stratagems ba pt 2Angel Exemplar: allows you to get an extra warlord trait if the model isn’t named. Overall super good, the extra flexibility is a warm welcome. The extra trait does have to come from their respective list though, flesh tearers get a flesh tearer trait, Blood angels get a Blood Angel trait, etc. You can only use this strat once.

Refusal to Die: is another great cheap stratagem. For 1cp, on small squads, or 2CP for larger ones, an entire squad of Death Company can get a 5+ FNP. Considering the other stratagems you can also get going on a squad, this is great. They might just be your ace in the whole if you build the squad right, which means you’ll want them alive at all costs.

stratagems ba pt 3

Angel Ascendant looks to be super strong as well. Any model with “Sergeant” in their profile can get this stratagem used on them. When you do decide to use it for 1CP, that model gets to pick a relic from the following list: Digital Weapons, Fleshrender Grenades, or Quake Bolts. This is pretty nice to have the option to supe-up one of your models who usually wouldn’t get the chance to if you need just that tiny bit of oomph later on in the game.

stratagems ba pt 4Red Rampage is perfect for when you really need to punch through some heavily armored foes, and for one cp, something that affects your entire army is pretty awesome. Just note, it can only be used once. 

Upon Wings of Fire is sure to see competitive use. for a single CP, you can blink one of your jump pack units off the field for a turn and reply them 9″ away from enemies. This might be great with some buff stratagems and a giant squad of Jumppacks to form a super mobile ball of hurt.

With those covered let’s check out the secondaries as well.

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Blood Angels Secondary Objectives

ba SecondariesThe two best options here are most likely going to be Death From Above and Relentless Assault.

  • Death From Above can be easy to complete depending on how you build your list. Also, it conveniently works extremely well with the…
  • Upon Wings of Fire stratagem, we talked about above. If you do want to use that synergy though, you will probably want a decent ranged weapon on that squad/character to increase your chance of killing a nearby unit to get those points.
  • Relentless Assault can be extremely easy to farm if you are playing against a melee-focused army since they’ll want to rush up the board and get in your face. Once again, this works very well with Upon Wings of Fire, but not quite as well as the previous secondary does. It’s also super nice that this is at the end of your turn and not the battle round, meaning if its an empty deployment zone, you can throw one random model in there you don’t plan on defending to score points if your opponent ignores it, or wastes time answering it.

That does it for this look at the new rules, but be sure to keep checking back because we have plenty more coming for you!

What do you think about these secondaries and stratagems? Are the changes fair and warranted? Which change has you most excited about?

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