New Acid House Terrain Kickstarter (it’s portable!)

Acid House KSNo glue, paint or clips! Check out some of the most portable tabletop terrain on the planet, as we take a look at the Acid House Kickstarter!

If you are looking to take your gaming on the go check out how this new Kickstarter from Acid House allows you to fit an entire tabletop in a small box!


ACID HOUSE TERRAIN: Portable sci-fi wargame terrain:

NO GLUE. NO PAINT. NO CLIPS. Plug n’ Play foldable structures for 28/35 mm gaming!

Acid House KS


Acid House KS

This set of terrain is not only stunning and easy to build, but they are also water-resistant as well. If you act fast you can secure their Early Adopter Pledge.

Early Adopter Pledge:

The first 250 backers get a copy of Acid House Terrain and their names will be printed on computer screens located all around the terrain. These names will become part of the kit textures and stay there F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

Acid House KS



Acid House KS

Putting this terrain together is EASY  because all of the parts are color coded, so you can have your tabletop together in minutes.

Acid House KS

This set of terrain would be a great way to set up a game on the fly. Make sure you visit the Acid House Terrain Kickstarter and secure your set today! Also, check out or unbox and build of this one of kind terrain set above!