New Alternative Imperial Guard Head Bits From Liber Daemonica

Alternative Imperial Guard HeadsIf you’re looking to upgrade your troops, you have to check out all the new alternative Imperial Guard Head bits from Liber Daemonica!

Liber has all kinds of really cool Marines and Guard heads and bits on the site and tons of other stuff. All the heads, shoulder pads, backpacks, and weapons make for super easy conversions that will make your minis look amazing.

If you don’t feel like painting or converting anything, they do some excellent commission work covering everything from conversions to paint jobs.

This time, we’ll be looking at a bunch of new bits made especially for the humans out there, specifically the Imperial Guard!

Also, with their recent move to Estonia, they have cleared up all the potential shipping issues.

Helmets Model “AM” Type Veteran: 7,95 €

Alternative Imperial Guard HeadsJust like with their other packs, these are so much more excellent looking than the original ones the minis come with. If you want a fast upgrade, these are perfect. Here are the specs on these: 

A unique set of helmets. The set contains 5 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new models.

Helmets Model “AM” Type Mercenary: 7,95 €

Alternative Imperial Guard Heads 2The look of these is just so unique! It would make an army stand out on the tabletop and the shelf with barely any conversion work. The minis are already excellent, but these will take them to the next level.

A unique set of helmets. The set contains 5 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new models.

Type Priest: 7,95 €

Alternative Imperial Guard Heads 3Last but not least, you can really make your humans the most fervent in the galaxy!

A unique set of helmets. The set contains 5 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new models.

If you like what Liber Daemonica has been up to, check out what else they have been up to! That does it for this one; now stop staring and get some new bits!

Click Here to Get Your Alternative Imperial Guard Heads!