New Alternative Tau FXs From Deadly Print Studio!

Tau FXsMake your Greater Good Suits look amazing with the new alternative Tau FXs available from Deadly Print Studio- check it out!

If you want to make your Tau stand out, these physical prints and STLs are available from Deadly Print Studio! We’ve loved all the bits we’ve grabbed from them before and they just fit on so easily, it makes them a no-brainer. This time around they have Tau Lightsabers and big gun FXs.

You can grab these as printed pieces and STLs meaning you can take advantage of it whether you have a printer or not. Since the new codex is out and there are so many new armies out there, you can use awesome bits like these to set your army apart. If you need some of the bits bigger or a large amount of them, you can also contact them and they’ll work with you on getting it done.

But enough talking, let’s jump into the bits!


Tau FXs 2They are fairly cheap and since you don’t need an insane number of them, they are totally worth it to get your minis looking awesome. If you love what Deadly Print is up to, check out what else they have going on here

Tau FXs 3They have an insane number of options for these and for both arms, so plenty to change up the look of your suits! Let’s hear what they have to say about the bits:

Gundam or Star Wars look for your good allies big robots!


Tau FXs 4


Tau FXs 5With the bundle, you just get everything they have to offer for this style, and for the price, this is a great deal! Here’s what they have to say about this:

  • 24 files. Pre supported versions included.
  • 4 Types of blades
  • Hand straight and bended. Reverse held hands.

RAILGUN BLAST: PHYSICAL 3,25€ Digital 2,42

Tau FXs 6Whether you want to grab the physical or the digital side of this, it’s just a really fun FX to add to your models!

Big weapons deserve big muzzle flashes! This time for XV88 deadly railgun.

That does it for this one, now go get yourself some awesome bits!

Get Your Tau FXs Here!