New Altirvun Imperial Guard Kickstarter Starting Soon!

altruvian Core Set Feature rThe Altirvun Core Set Kickstarter is an amazing project full of great Imperial Guard alternative STLs- check it out!

If you’ve been looking for some amazing Guard STLs, this is going to be the project to back! They also look to have a commercial option, so even if you don’t have a printer at home, there still may be a chance you can take advantage of these sweet minis!

The STLs are extremely high-quality and with this set alone, you’ll be able to make a pretty decent force that will stand out on the tabletop or the shelf. They also have a free download so you can test out how they work. It’s always a good sign when a company is willing to let you test them, it means they are super proud of their product. Let’s check out the files!

Altirvun Core Set Kickstarter:

Altiruvan Core SetThe infantry looks sweet and already has plenty of variety, but they’ll receive way more if they hit stretch goals. And the best part about STLs? Once you get the files, you can print as much as you want!

The project kicks off next Tuesday, May 11th, so we really don’t have too much longer to wait now! Just be sure to mark the date on your calendar if you want to back this, so they can hit tons of stretch goals!

If you love backing really cool projects, make sure you check what else is going on in the rest of the 3D printing world too!

Altiruvan Core Set 2If you want to test out the files before backing the project, they will have a free download of the Commandant! Nothing wrong with that.

Altiruvan Core Set 3Obviously, you can’t play without some big guns!

Altiruvan Core Set 4This tank sizes perfectly with the GW one, but we’ll show you the comparisons so you know it’s true.

Pledge Goals

Altiruvan Core Set pledgesFor $40 you might as well grab all the files! But if you just want something less, they have plenty of levels for it. Also, if you want to sell the printed minis, for only $125 it’s not a bad deal at all. One thing to note is that these pledge levels were from a preview of their project and *may* change when it goes live.

Stretch Goals

Altiruvan Core Set stretch goalsThey have more goals in mind already, but since it hasn’t started quite yet, obviously they haven’t hit them yet. Let’s hope they hit the goals because getting mortars, special weapons, and machine guns would be sweet!

If you missed our preview of the project over on YouTube, make sure to hit that play button and checkout actual prints of the minis.

That does it for this one, just some really great files to make your army that much better!

Follow the Altirvun Kickstarter Now!