New AoS Aelf Heads Preview From Liber Daemonica

Liber Daemonica Aelf Heads Feature rDon’t let your Lumineth Realm Lords look like scrubs! Upgrade them with these upcoming AoS Aelf  Heads on the way from Liber Daemonica.

Liber Daemonica has all kinds of really cool Marine/Chaos Marine heads and bits on the site but is starting to add a bunch of great AoS stuff as well. All the heads, shoulder pads, and weapons (for both 40k and AoS) make for super easy conversions that will make your minis look amazing. If you don’t feel like painting or converting anything, they also do some really awesome commission work covering everything from conversions to paint jobs.

This time around we’re going to be taking a look at some of the new heads incoming for the Lumineth Realm Lords. But they also may work perfectly with Harlequins, Dark Eldar, and Craftworld armies. These aren’t on preorder quite yet but should be soon! So just pay attention so you know when you’ll be able to add these to your forces. Let’s check them out!

New AoS Aelf Heads Preview From Liber Daemonica:

Liber Daemonica Elf Heads


Liber Daemonica Aelf Heads 2


Liber Daemonica Aelf HeadsThese are perfect for Lumineth Realm Lords, but don’t stop your imagination there! They could make for perfect Harlequin heads, for Dark Eldar Warriors, or even Dire Avengers. Every head in the kit is super detailed and will add so much flavor to your army in seconds. Even though we haven’t got to use these yet, if they are like any of their other kits, we know they will fit perfectly! We mean, just look how much better they look than the normal heads you get from GW!

Rob recently did a video about how all their heads and shoulder pads fit, go check it out hereIf you’re obsessed with conversions, check what else is happening with them.

That does it for this preview, but keep your eyes peeled for the heads coming out soon!

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