New AoS Battleforces, Warcry, BB, & More: FIRST LOOK

gw-first-look1The new AoS Christmas Battleforces, Warcry, Blood Bowl, and more releases are hitting pre-orders this weekend.

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, November 26th, 2022, around 1 pm EST! 

New AoS Battleforces, Warcry, BB, & More: FIRST LOOK

Keep in mind they are releasing the Battleforces as two separate waves this time around, so don’t expect to see all the 40k boxes until at least next week.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

2022 AoS Battleforces

Hold onto your hats because the Christmas Battleforce rush is nearly here, alongside an avalanche of Warcry releases that include a new boxed set and numerous returning warbands.

Here’s the lineup and contents of the new Age of Sigmar Battleforces that are up for pre-order first.

Daughters of Khaine: Khainite Slaughter-Coven

2022 AoS Battleforces 2

  •  Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood
  • 5 Melusai Blood Sisters
  • 5 Khinerai Heartrenders
  • 5 Doomfire Warlocks
  • 10 Witch Aelves

Orruk Warclans: Kruleboyz Swamp-Lurkers

2022 AoS Battleforces 3

  • Swampboss Skumdrekk
  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork
  • 3 Man-Skewer Boltboyz
  • 10 Gutrippaz

Gloomspite Gitz: Stampeding Squigalanche

2022 AoS Battleforces 4

  • Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig
  • 2 Mangler Squigs
  • 10 Squig Hoppers
  • 12-strong Squig Herd

Skaven: The Verminous Host

The Verminous Host

  • Grey Seer on Screaming Bell
  • Warlock Bombardier
  • 3 Stormfiends
  • 40 Clanrats
  • 40 Plague Monks

Nighthaunt: Legion Of Grief

Legion of Grief

  • Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief
  • Black Coach
  • 10 Bladeghast Revenants
  • 10 Dreadscythe Harridans
  • 10 Grimghast Reapers

Sylvaneth: Revenant Wargrove

Revenant Wargrove

  • Drycha Hamadreth
  • 2 Treelords
  • 10 Spite-Revenants
  • 16 Sylvaneth Dryads

Stormcast Eternals: Thunderstrike Spearhead

Thunderstrike Spearhead

  • Knight-Relictor
  • 3 Annihilators
  • 10 Vanquishers
  • 10 Vigilors
  • 2 Stormdrake Guards

For now, though, it is hard to know sure what the overall pricing of all the new Battleforces will be in 2022. However, if you want to check out the values inside each box, be sure to read our article by clicking here.


Next up, the two new character models from the Arcane Cataclysm box are releasing separately!  Unfortunately, these releases are delayed in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Arcane Cataclysm battlebox 3

While the Scinari Enlightener is a pure wizard, the Curseling is also pretty handy in a fight (as you might expect from someone with that many extra hands).

The new plastic Curseling was originally available in the Arcane Cataclysm boxed set, facing down the learned Lumineth. They arrive solo next week – or at least as solo as this mighty warrior-wizard can be, given the spell-slinging Tretchlet that sprouts from their side.

The Curseling is just a wild-looking miniature in general, but he fits right in alongside the Disciples of Tzeentch models.

Scinari Enlightener

Arcane Catacylsm battleboxPNG

For those who prefer your magic with a side serving of luminous arrogance, the Scinari Enlightener is joining the ranks of the Lumineth Realm-lords. Wielding immense magical power, she burns her enemies off the face of the Mortal Realms, and is available separately for the first time.*

* These releases are delayed in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

The model itself is pretty cool but nothing too crazy, honestly. Still, nothing wrong with getting a new miniature for your army.

warcry banner 2022

The first expansion for Warcry is here with the Sundered Fate box set featuring two new warbands!  Unfortunately, all of the Warcry products this week are delayed in Japan.

Warcry: Sundered Fate

Warcry Sundered Fate

The stone-skinned cultists of the Jade Obelisk are on a mission to deface every statue and eviscerate every still-beating heart in the Gnarlwood, an act of desecration with which the stealthy scaled guardians in the Hunters of Huanchi take umbrage.

Warcry Sundered Fate terrain

The stone-skinned cultists of the Jade Obelisk are on a mission to deface every statue and eviscerate every still-beating heart in the Gnarlwood, an act of desecration with which the stealthy scaled guardians in the Hunters of Huanchi take umbrage.

Hunters of Huanchicultists of the Jade Obelisk

This boxed set contains 23 miniatures and a hefty heap of terrain, including creepy Gnarloaks, rope bridges, scattered ruins, palisades, extended platforms and a new hollow refuge. There’s also a double-sided gaming board, the Stealth and Stone warband tome, and Fighter and Ability cards for both warbands, and a set of Battleplan cards for setting up games. You’ll need the Warcry core rules to play – these can be found in the Warcry: Core Book, and are also available to download for free.**

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The new Hunters of Huanchi are packed with new scaly miniatures, while the Cultists of the Jade Obelisk are a new take on the traditional Chaos warband.

Ravaged Lands: Gnarlwood Watchcamp (Webstore Only)

Available separately this week are the warbands from the Heart of Ghur box set and the terrain.

Ravaged Lands Gnarlwood WatchcampHorns of HashutHorns of Hashut

Rotmire Creed

Rotmire Creed

Warband Tome: Rot & Ruin

Warband Tome Rot and Ruin

If you missed them or wanted to save money and buy them a’la carte, then now is the time to reap that hobby dollar savings.

Warcry Dice Packs Each

warcry dice

There are four dice packs coming, each themed around a Warband from the current season – the Horns of Hashut, the Rotmire Creed, the Hunters of Huanchi, and the Jade Obelisk. With a warband symbol for a 6 and three colour combos in each set, these dice are perfect for when you need to rub in just how lucky you were to have rolled a quad

Lastly, dice packs for the current season of Warcry are also here. Choose from these four dice packs to customize your games in the Heart of Ghur!

blood bowl banner icon

This is the week of expansion for specialist games, with both Warcry and Blood Bowl getting one each. Unfortunately, these sets will not be available in Japan due to delays.

Dungeon Bowl Death Match

death match expansion blood bowl

The only thing better than playing Blood Bowl on the pitch is mixing it up in a dungeon crawl with portals and traps. This first expansion for Dungeon Bowl pits the College of Death against the College of Life in an almighty clash between two teams of mixed players, new Dungeon Tiles, tokens, and more – keep an eye out for the Wandering Werewolf.

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Blood Bowl Spike! Presents: 2022 Almanac! (Hardback)

Blood Bowl Spike Presents 2022 Almanac

The Norse and Amazon issues of Spike! Journal are collected in this compilation, which also contains rules for eight new star players, including Cindy Piewhistle, Ripper Bolgrot, and Withergrasp Doubledrool. You’ll be able to pick it up in hardback and ePub formats.

If you missed the rules for the latest two teams and star players, then this compilation may be worth your hobby dollars!

Will you be picking any of these releases up? What are your thoughts on the AOS Battleforces? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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