New Archmagos Canticles & Relics REVEALED!

By James Rodriguez | January 13th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

archmagos cawl

New rules have been spotted for the Arcana Mechanicum as well as the Archmagos Canticles. Imeperium fans, you’re not going to want to miss this!

All the new rules for Arcana Mechanicum, Archmagos Canticles, and new Relics are here!

First we have the breakdown for Cawl via Gothmog yesterday here on the site:

The Triumvirate Gathering Storm

Belisarius Crawl, the craziest techpriest in the Imperium! (source Warhammer Adeptus Mechanicus on Facebook)

He is a 200 point HQ choice with WS 5, BS 5, S 5, T 6, W 5, I 3, A 3, LD 10, Sv 2+. So already a really solid stat line, but it gets much much better.

Wargear: Arc Scourge, Master-Crafted Power Axe, Mechadendrite Hive, Scryerskull (identify a single Mysterious Obj each turn) Refractor Feild (5++), Artificer Self Repair Mechanisims, Solar Atomiser

Special Rules: Canticles of the Archmagos, Canticles of the Omnissiah, Feel No Pain, Independent Character, Very Bulky,

Warlord Trait: Masterwork Bionics- Crawl gets to reroll his FNP checks!

All of this is confirmed as is the following: the Artificer Self Repair Mechanism lets Crawl recover d3 wounds A TURN! D3 WOUNDS! And he is already T5, 2+/5++ FNP REROLLABLE. He is a tough nut to crack! And his Solar Atomiser is a 12″, S10, AP1 Assault D3 Master-Crafted Melta weapon!

So this all means that as of now, for sure, he hits on 2+ shooting with one missed reroll, so chances are he will ALWAYS hit in shooting. He can ace a space marine bike squad or a land raider in one go easy. And in CC he is a WS5 guy with a master crafted AP2 weapons.

However, there is more rumoured coming in from our German friends! (courtesy Sean R. on Warhammer Adeptus Mechanicus, his translation transcribed below)

“He may replace any Dominus in the formations from our codex. Cawl, Grayfax and Celestine may be taken as an HQ choice in a CAD or allied detachment for ANY Imperial Faction, no matter which faction those three actually come from. So yes, we could take Celestine etc. instead of a Dominus.

Arc-Claw-Thingy (“Bogengeißel”) (Ed: ARC SCOURGE): Range:- S+1 AP4 Close Combat, Haywire, Master-crafted. Has a special rule that let’s you re-roll the result on the haywire chart.

Mechandrite Hive: Cawl does 2D6(!!) S4 Ap- attacks at Ini 10 if he is in close combat. Doesn’t grant an additional pile-in move. He also has a Dataspike, so potential 13 S4 AP- Ini 10 attacks, BEFORE he even starts to swing with his axe!

Full Fall of Cadia Rules Gallery Courtesy of Scanner,

Canticles Of The Archmagos: Only work if Crawl is alive. Work just like the other Canticles (ed: based on # of units just like canticles of the Omnissiah) but also influence any Imperial vehicles that are within 12″ of Cawl, even if they don’t have the canticles special rule.

  • Harmony Of Metallurgy: 1-3 IWND, 4-7 IWND. Roll two times for IWND instead of one time, 8* IWND. Roll three times for IWND instead of one time (so any vehicle etc. could regain 3 wounds from this!)
  • Word Of Neutralisatoin: 1-3 BS+1, 4-7 BS+2, 8+ BS+3
  • Warhymn Of the Machine God: 1-3 6+ Invul save, 4-7 5+ Invul Save, 8+ 4+ Invul Save”

So lets break those rumours down. Not only is Crawl 2+/5++ rerollable FNP regen d3 wounds, he and his army can get IWND or a 4++ save! And an average of 8 S4 I10 attacks in CC before his normal attacks! And then instead of his axe, you can make some Haywire attacks with his Arc Scourge at S6. Combined with his Solar Atomiser, he starts to become a major threat to most LoW even. And remember, ALL OF THIS IS FOR THE BARGAIN PRICE OF 200 POINTS! He is an auto-take in War Convocations IMO (so long as the rumour holds he can be taken in that).

Check out these new relics nobody saw coming for Arcana Mechanicum, new relics!


Full Fall of Cadia Rules Gallery Courtesy of Scanner,

So what do you think of the new rules for the Archmagos now?

Crusade for Cadia Gathering Storm

Fall of Cadia