New Wazone Fenris – The Wild King Arrives


Part seven of the Battle for Fenris is here! Make sure you don’t miss a second of the action as the Space Wolves fight for their home world!

With the odds stacked against them the Space Wolves will stop at nothing to save their home world.

Source: Black Library

The Space Wolves have achieved a small victory, but at what cost? And what of the rest of the Fenris system, and the Imperial forces who stand arrayed to defend it?

The Wild King (eShort): $4.99

the wild king black library

The Space Wolves’ battle to reclaim their home system of Fenris from the clutches of Chaos has been costly, but finally a victory is achieved. Aided by the wulfen, the Space Wolves manage to drive the daemons from the surface of Svellgard, and close the warp portals. But their ultimate success is far from certain – the forces of Chaos are still abundant and strong, and despite the arrival of unexpected allies, the Imperium has a hard fight on its hands.

Head over to Black Library and pick up your copy now. Also don’t forget to check out parts 1-6 of the Legacy of Russ!