New Beast Snagga 40k Ork Painboss Revealed!

Beast-Snaggas-Orks-PreviewsPrepare to upgrade all the boyz as the new Beast Snagga 40k Ork Painboss has been revealed- check out the newest mini!

Orks have been getting a new mini revealed every other week for the past month, and we assume they’ll get even more revealed in the upcoming Warhammer Fest Online.

This latest preview for the Greentide was unveiled over on Warhammer Community

Ork Dok FeatureThis time, we’re getting a vision of what the new Doks and Gretchins will look like and they are pretty awesome! Let’s check out the first two minis revealed, then hop into the newest ones!

New 40k Orks Previews from GW

beast snagga orkListen up, boyz. We’z ‘ad sum right strange types appearin’ in da last few days, and I wanna know what they’z doing in my Waaagh! Last time you lot poked around one of them weird ladz, Bogrot’s ‘ead exploded, so this time we’z got sum captive ‘oomies to find out wot they’z up to in a new regular series on the Waaaghammer Comoonity site: ‘Ere we go!

The Beast Snaggas are part of the Snakebite Clan and make use of the biggest mounts they can. They also mention that anyone can use them, because who can’t see the usefulness of giant Orks on Squighogs? Even though they don’t like all the fancy machines of their Speedfreaks cousins, doesn’t mean they don’t like to go fast, the Squighogs are red after all. And, they still add rockets to their spears and some mechanical legs when they need to.

snagga ork

Their appreciation for ‘da old ways’, and their disregard for more complex Orky technology, leads many of the Snakebite clan to become Beast Snaggas, although their ilk can be found across the entire spectrum of Ork society.** Even a no-nonsense Goff can look at a squighog’s shockingly large teeth and figure out how best to apply them to some poor git’s face.

New Beast Snagga 40k Orks Revealed by GW!

New Ork Snagga Boy 2A (relatively short) lifetime of hunting huge, dangerous beasts have made these Orks particularly large and strong in comparison with regular Boyz. While they’re not quite as durable as a Nob, they can certainly swing their choppas just as hard, which makes them especially prone to lording it over the Boyz they charge alongside.

New Ork Snagga Boy rAs if they weren’t tough enough already, the frequent and plentiful injuries that come as part of any career in squig-wrangling* mean frequent trips to the Dok, and by necessity Beast Snagga Doks are some of the most ‘creative’ around. Thankfully, we haven’t had a reason to catch a look at one up close just yet, but surely they can’t be any worse than Ghazghkull’s personal sawbones… 

It looks like they’ll be a little stronger than a normal boy, with the possibility of some more gear as well. With them being constantly enhanced by the Doks, who knows what little upgrades you can give them. Since they say more than once, they are less common, we’re guessing they’ll be a decent amount higher in points than a regular boy. We’ll have to wait for more for points and rules, but we’re excited to see them!

Beast Snagga 40k Ork Painboss

Ork dokKnown as the Painbosses, these enterprising surgeons transcend the simple genetic knowledge of the Painboyz and develop greater medical skills than many assume Orks are capable of. 

The mini is really sweet! Looks like the line will be pretty fleshed out, let’s just hope we’ll see more in the coming days. If you’re constantly handling big nasty beasts, it only makes sense you need someone to give you some sweet upgrades when your legs are ripped off…

Ork dok 2In fact, Painbosses are so used to running around after the impetuous Squighog Boyz that many give their slow, organic legs a bit of fixin’. One of the most popular upgrades is to attach devices known as soopa-legz below the knee, using the power of Orky ingenuity to propel themselves at much higher speeds than normal. This isn’t to say these Doks exclusively work for the Beast Snaggas, though – they’re quite happy to patch up anything for a bag full of teef.

We’ll have to wait and see how fast these legs make them, but let’s hope it’s a decent speed buff for not too many points. They also mention the Klaw is lighter and smaller than the normal Power Klaw, so it will probably be cheaper but not as strong.

ork grotOf course, you need some Gretchins hanging around! This one looks awesome and we hope they get a big revamp as well.

Do you like the look of the new Dok? Are you excited about the Beast Snaggas overall?

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