NEW BITS – Wargames Exclusive Does Primarchs!

leman russ primarch model forge world primus (5) - Copy

Love custom figures based on the Grim Dark? Come see some of the first pictures of amazing new Primus (Primarch) miniatures that will be available SOON!

Wargame Exclusive sent us these image of some great WIP shots of their new Primus line of Grim Dark Miniatures.  This guy looks kinda wolfy…

leman russ primarch model forge world primus (4)

WIP is Primus Lupine

leman russ primarch model forge world primus (3) leman russ primarch model forge world primus (2) leman russ primarch model forge world primus

leman russ primarch model forge world primus (5)

From Obliterators to Sisters of Battle, and even those fishy aliens, upstart Wargame Exclusive miniatures looks to have you covered when it comes to customizing your army!

Checkout just a small selection of all the hot resin goodness for sale over on their website:


Wow I’m sold. I can’t wait to see the rest of the models in this series! Click below to stay up to date with this project!

Visit Wargame Exclusive’s Webstore

-Lock down your wallet before you click….